Which dog breed is pictured?
Correct answer: Collie

we had collies and they are very protective ours had 11 puppies just before we went on vacation we took them all to a lady to care for them her ex beat her all the time .Our dog bit her ex on the leg when he fell to the floor she grabbed his throat and held him until the police got there . The bill for the dogs was $400 she told us if she could keep the dog we could take the puppies home she never had a problem with her ex again.

Love these dogs! So intelligent

Player #1272420, please stop! we get it, you don't like him. has absolutely nothing to do with any of the questions that you posted this to, and that has been a lot.

Jersey Girl
I had a collie. He was beautiful. His name was Clyde.

lily 21, I watched it too great family show

Player #1272420, where did that negative crap come from. The subject was Collies.

Rough-coated collie to be specific. Gorgeous dogs!

Sonicgirl, You are having a laugh, right?
The only "Roman"? dog, was recently discovered in Northumbria (which is not in Scotland)
There is no such thing as a "Nuthatch Rabbit"
Rabbits were brought to England by the Romans, but were not seen in Scotland until the 19th century.
The Nuthatch, (Sitta Europaea) is a small, very attractive bird, with russet and grey plumage.
Even they weren't seen in Scotland until 1989.

Player #10628065
Had a collie as a small child. One day the large doberman across the street escaped the confines of his fenced yard. The one who barked his head off when anyone passed by. This was the neighborhood killer devil dog. I was playing in my front yard and bumped into something as high as my back. Startled and confused, I turned around and saw the monster standing before me. My collie gave a nice display of vigorous barking ad I fled to the safety of my front door. Unimpressed, the doberman ambled slowly away, enjoying his newfound freedom.

Player #25672957
My daughter's babysitter had a collie that looked just like the picture. Absolutely beautiful sweet gentle dog. The babysitter usually had 3-4 little ones and a few before and after schoolers. That dog was so gentle and patient with all the kids, especially the little ones who'd crawl all over her, pull her ears and she would just lay there. They are great dogs.

The "miniature" breed of collie, is in fact a Shetland sheepdog.
They are classed as working dogs, not miniature dogs.(that's an insult)

Precisely so.
I used to breed them years ago.
I had a tri-colour too ( black, white and tan)
You can also get "blue merle" collies, a mixture of black, grey and white.

Rough Collie to give it the correct name....There is also a smooth haired version known as the smooth collie, which is now endangered

A lassie dog!

This game keeps me on my toes great game for people of an old age

Player #10628065, dobermans are wonderful dogs. if he had been a "devil dog" you never would have made it to your front door. I love all dogs, it is the owners who I question.

When our daughters were young we had two collies and they were wonderful. Gentle and playful with the girls and also very protective. My wife and we’re commenting recently that you don’t seem to see collies much anymore.

Jersey Girl , I had a cross collie and her name was Bonnie , don’t know what she was crossed with but she was a beautiful dog, miss her so much

One of my fondest childhood memories is of our family dog, Sandy, a German Shepherd/collie cross breed! He was such a beautiful dog! He was intelligent and extremely protective! You couldn't raise a hand to anyone or even yell at someone when he was around, or you'd get growled at.

toe jam
every time I see a dog like this, I automatically call it lassie.

penawareof, There is no such breed as a Shetland Collie or Miniature Collie. I have Shetland Sheepdogs AKA Shelties. While the Collie (As the AKC calls them) were used in the development of the Sheltie breed, they are seperate breeds.

Pretty dog, but, not to easy to groom! I should know. Keep that doggie brushed an it wouldn't be so mangie peoples 😣.

Good old Lassie, love that show

Zakiyyah Ameerah Mateen
Such a beautiful dog

We had collies growing up. All Sable and white and rough coat. Amazing dogs! So smart, loving, just the best! I always remember how soft the fur is behind their ears. I trained one to whisper bark. She would let out this small quiet bark.

Player #25874027
Player #4250921,
I think you’ve already had a few dogs as President

I rarely see collies. I looked and the akc says they are the 38th most popular breed in the USA. kind of surprising since Lassie was so famous.

Player #21374632
Chrono Neko, there were several Lassie dogs used in the Lassie show, some were female and some were male. all from the same family of dogs, one man trained them all..i read the history.

Player #24597151
My grandmother,s collie liked to go down to the road off driveway quarter to half mile away and "herd card, ie. chase them and bark.".

Beautiful picture an good dogs.

LittleTragedy7, rescue dog saves human.i want to leak out a tear.

Player #5100533
UnopposedYogi27101, Dang it. I was gonna say that. I was going to prove how sagacious I was....

CcMYoPiK #21957451
Lassie you were so wonderful


Player Terri
I watched lassie as a little girl and always dreamed of having a collie like lassie. A dog that would always save the day!☺️🙃

Player #14658265
LittleTragedy7, the best dogs in the world

I have two rough collies and the so called oh my god hard work to groom them is a fantasy my misses takes ten times longer to do her hair than to brush the dogs .A breed not for lazy People they are so loving friendly and brilliant with kids .

beautiful dogs unlike today's ugly breeds