How many different Rubik's Cube combinations are there?
Correct answer: 43,252,003,274,489,856,000

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
Been able to complete this since I was 6. can still do it in under 1 min with a bit of practice.
Y.N.W.A. JFT96

no wonder I could never solve it!

Player #33007921
I solved it when YouTube came out. searched solution and copied lol

I just busted it and put the cubes together in the correct order.

Player en_846
2 was tempting for a moment; right and wrong

Blush57, it's called mathematics.

Erno Rubik was my friend's teacher back in Hungary

Pumpkinpusher, easier to rearrange the stickers.

Betty, Noooo, just break it apart and put it back together. 😂😂

little b
I'm not good at maths

RockNRollMama82, Only 10% of people can solve it…. I could never solve it …

Tyler Rhone
You could say infinite.

I have one Rubin cube it’s amazing indoor game

Akamai 👑 Haulana
Jo, Very Cool!!!

I can't solve one🙃

Player #62752956
gobledygook, the corner pieces can also be “rotated” 3 different ways and the edge pieces 2 different ways.

My fastest to solve a Rubik's cube is 2 minutes

How do u read that number?

My dad and I used to compete against each other to see who could solve it in the quickest time. I was so into the Rubik's cube that I had a Rubik's cube keychain!

Shariq Dutta
Me and my father tried many times but we can't solve it

I don't even know what I read I just clicked the longest format of numbers apparently...

RockNRollMama82, I have it and solved it

mine would always fell apart, made in china

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, woah

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, amazing, my fastest is 5 mnts

My bad, I think my previous explanation is incorrect. Firstly, the number of corner piece combinations should be multiplied by the number of edge piece combinations, not added together as I previously stated. Also the number of possible combinations is determined by a factorial function, not an exponent. Therefore my new calculation is:
8! x 12! = 19,313,344,510,000
It should be clear to anyone reading this that I haven't put much time into thinking about this! 😉

To elaborate on my previous comment, by my reasoning, the number of different combinations for a 3x3 rubik's cube is determined by the following calculation:
Number of corner pieces & positions = 8
Number of edge pieces and positions = 12
Number of centre pieces = 6. However these cannot be moved relative to one another, and as fixed in position they don't add to the total number of combinations.
8^8 + 12^12 = 8,916,117,225,000
Have I missed a way in which it can produce more combinations?

The answer should state what formula is used to predict that number with some mathematical logic showing why it is valid. Without any such explanation, it's hard to believe...

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, Well done, champ.

who said 2?

Krishna Jane🤗
again,the longest one is the right answer

The theory of its always the longest😂😂

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, Were you taught the sequence of moves? I gave up trying very quickly.

BTS 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Solving the Rubik's is super cool.
Great salute to the founder.....

i can solve a cube in a minute and thirty seconds is my average and I pick the quintillion one because patterns of rubik's cube is endless