When was a strong narrowband radio signal, called "Wow!", received from space?
Correct answer: 1977

Wow! Never heard of this before.....interesting

Wasn't 1977 the year Star Wars came out?

I remember reading about this and awaiting an update - which didn't come until now!

Hey do you really think we are alone in the universe? we can't be, maybe they have already been to earth and seen how we destroy and kill our planet and humans and creatures and decided that we are not worth waisting time in because we are a lethal race. we can't get along we always have to have war, we can't take care of our planet etc etc, if I was an alien i wouldn't want to visit us.... oh wait I am an alien lol. Anyway we are our own worst enemy. As long as we can't get along we will continue to destroy this planet until nothing is left but by then it'll be to late.

Saw a PBS show once where a scientist compared us waiting for aliens to come here to someone in Kansas wanting a lobster dinner and opening the door to wait for the lobster to arrive (on its own - no grubhub back then).

Miss Sue
Damwic , It will only be to late for us. The planet earth will remain and completely heal itself. Thank God!!!

I bring up this incident to people who say there's nothing out there but stars

Indyhawk, that was a different signal in Australia in 1998 that was recently found to be due to a microwave oven. I was thinking the same thing, so I looked it up.

Player Bengal Mama
Player #29684811, More fun anyway!

Player #2512936
dan...-, The Aliens are smart and stay away from us!