What is the most expensive nut in the world?
Correct answer: Macadamia nut

Player #4250921
This question is completely nuts.

and, another reason they are so expensive is that it takes 3,000 PSI to crack the shell

This is not the case in Kenya since they are locally produced, you'll even find them being sold on the streets. Almonds are more expensive since we import them.

I was given a tin of these wonderful nuts from a tourist family whom I directed to Reversing Falls ....leading the way in my car... They were the most delicious nut I have ever tasted! yum yum in my tum.

808stevan1, not so pricey in Sydney - I think walnuts cost more...

Guessed wrong again. I figured cashews because they're my favorite. I've eaten macadamia nuts & they're OK, but I prefer cashews.

Player evey
Dad used to bring home a brown bag full of Queensland nuts as they were called when I was 4 or 5 years old, we sat on the back step with hammer....most delicious memories...when I grew up and rediscovered them as "macadamia" nuts at gold prices...well there you go.....still a beautiful creamy nut but where is the pleasure at that price

My mum's favourite... She goes nuts for them. Here in South Africa local stores sell them relatively cheap, shelled and de-shelled. It is pretty hard to crack, but a good wack with a hammer is all you need.

We have 2 macadamia trees, they are always bearing nuts but also always full of black cockatoos, the only parrots capable of breaking the shells, them and palm cockatoos, very unlikely to be in NSW.

Player #272443, grown in our backyard in Queensland Australia

Cat Cha
I read that some are not considered true nuts, but dropes, or fruit.


Skinny Dipper
I love the way that macadamia nuts sort of melt in your mouth.
However Brazil nuts are much more expensive to buy here in New Zealand, just as well you only need one a day for their selenium value.

Gee, those parrots taste horrible.

Player #120374466
They also grow in San Diego County. When I lived in Escondido 30 years go there were some remaining commercial macadamia orchards. Probably gone by now

Hyacinth parrots need to eat at least 3 per day. These birds sell for $25,000 as babies. They are the largest and most gentle parrot out there.

Bonnie , pine nuts aren't actually nuts

I grew up in Western Australia with one of these trees in my backyard...we'd spent countless days breaking them open with hammers or bricks growing up but word of warning NEVER leave a piece of shell on the ground..its like stepping on coral...the pain!!!lol...my dad even tried to sell them to Sanitarium back in the day but to no avail...we'd give them away by the bucket load...tree is still there.my dad is still there.the rats moved into the tree year's ago...they love macadamia nuts!

Growing up in Rancho Sante Fe in San Diego, we had a large orchard and we had a few macadamia trees. So delicious. I miss being young

South Africa produces the most macadamia nuts

nutpoi, we have an orchard of trees and a machine that husks and shells them. 🤙🤙

Nhold, canarium ovatum is the technical name

Bonnie , yup I thought that would be the most expensive one.
And it’s quite delish

They're not as expensive in Australia, & believe it or not, I was munching on some while I read this question. They are one of my favourite nuts!

ChampionNymph37634, I also thought cashews, after seeing what goes into producing them & getting rid of the toxins.

aybe westbound all move to south Africa
. ilove these nuts especially chocolate covered. my daughterloves them too.

roles too. macadamia nuts are worth the wait. also chocolate nuts are great
. we eat the at Christmas. icould

And what about “Pine Nuts”? Most expensive cookie on a Wedding platter! Aldo because of the Almond paste but ohhhh 😊 yum!

I like Macadamia nuts but they're to expensive for me 🥲

I never saw the attraction

Player #50531971
fruit trees like apples, peaches, take 8 to 10 years to start producing, years more to produce a good quantity and only harvested once a year. so that's not the reason they are expensive in mainland USA.
and i agree the Q should specify where because price would vary by geographic area

At first I had to get accustom to them; kind of different taste than the pistachio, almonds I enjoy; they are bit pricey, but that’s ok. I enjoy nuts because at one time my sugar and A1C levels were high. Eating nuts brought the numbers down and of course, I started eating healthier also. I snack on nuts and drink a lot of water, making me full and not eating much in my meals. My wife thinks I am getting crazy because I crush nuts and put them on steamed veggies with little cheese, I put them in my cooked beans, rice or salads…Nuts are good; you could say I am “nuts” for nuts. LOL!

its that a pili nut in philippines is the same..?

All I can think of now is Coconut Macadamia nut cookies. 🤤

These nuts are really hard to bust

Now I really want a couple nuts

Player Gigi #28446253
Atul Vashisth, Did you not read the answer?

Sully Girl
I knew the answer because I love them and they're expensive also

They are not harvested by hand in industrial countries. A small tractor with a shaker attachment, taken from olive farmers, I think, shakes the tree. Then a sweeper, like a small street sweeper, collects them into a hopper.
Then sorted and dried.

I was looking to buy a small macadamia farm ten years ago in Northern NSW, Australia. The, in shell, price from the gate, offered by the processors, was about $2:50 (AUD)/kg. A single tree produces a lot but it was not a good financial return.