Why has the Indian Government banned tourists and explorers from visiting the North Sentinel Island?

Correct answer: To protect tribespeople from contracting diseases

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Player #96919
Player #96919
cannoli1966, the Amazon tribe should also be left alone in peace to live their lives their way, so sad that man and machinery are destroying not just their habitat but also all the plants and animals that live there too. The Amazon is known to be "the lungs of the planet" and man is destroying it
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
So cool the government is protecting them.
who else like me when something this interesting comes up googles it.👍
the tribe has made it quite clear they want no contact with the outside world. there has been a law in place since 1956 prohibiting any visits to these islands. that tells me Zealots should keep away. non zealots as well. the people who live there don't want you to visit
Player #4250921
Player #4250921
I am Christian and I believe in sharing the gospel with those who ask, but I say let them alone. It didn't work out so well for the native Americans when they were "touched by civilization ".
Player #3532789
Player #3532789
Blue Bayou 2, I am sorry! No one has the right to interfere with these people who choose to be left alone!!!!
Vbbbbhbhgh U Gfytrwe
Vbbbbhbhgh U Gfytrwe
Blue Bayou 2, save them from what? People need to mind their own business and try to save themselves
Blue Bayou 2, I am Christian. and while The Bible says to share the Gospel to all ends of the Earth. it would appear to me they are aware of different ways to live and have chosen The God THEY KNOW. who are we to say, in the end, All beliefs are just named differently.
y'all remember that missionary that tried to go there to teach them about God? imagine being shot to death with arrows cause you just can't leave people tf alone
Maria ♡
Maria ♡
Lorraine4748, The Native American, Had All their Land taken off them, & Dumped in land that Hardly Produced Anything, Their Spiritual lands was also taken, & the Australian Government has Taken land off the native People, happily Not All their Land, but as soon as any good minerals are found the Government, trys taking it, White Man Mainly is the One Full of Greed !
Not widely known but when the British after colonising New Zealand then decided to organise Samoa with the result up to 90% of the population on some of the smaller Islands died from infectious diseases
Maria ♡, All races, since the beginning of man, have subjected each other to reprehensible treatment. There isn't one who hasn't. This is not something characteristic of just whites.
Player #132431525
Player #132431525
This is not accurate, tourists are banned from there because the tribes will kill them, not to protect the tribes
So cool that the government is protecting them
These are us in the eyes of aliens, they dont chose to come because we are not imune, but they will come one day and very few will survive to start life over again from the begining, as allways...
Jenn Natalia
Jenn Natalia
Player #96919, HABITAT; is plants and animals 🙄
WillyLoman, the funny thing is that in America no trespassing signs are supposed to be obeyed or risk getting shot by the homeowner but unfortunately they don't feel that it's necessary to obey someone else's no trespassing signs
Nebojsa, well they've survived this long so how do you explain that?
Player #4250921, the last guy who tried to spread the gospel to that island was killed ny the natives.
CauseMath, like that I was trying to remember who it was. Thanks for that
The answer really should be the inhabitants will kill any outsiders.
Nobody messes with Martians, either
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
So are the residents allowed to leave if they want to? Don't forget their ancestors came from somewhere else. People have been on the move for centuries.
Wow I didn't think there was anywhere that was protected like that.
The natives can and will fatally attack visitors on-sight.
Ed dema
Ed dema
I went there in the early 80s and was disappointed. Hospitality worse than Parisians.
Every human on earth is driven by greed. Greed for money, power, and sex makes the world go 'round. It is ridiculous to say that only white people are greedy.
great! governments should leave people alone! and disband themselves in the process.
Gini, how does anyone know that no one died?
max_078, Yes, I will google more info. I can assume that the only way they can keep from extinction is by incest. Reproductive among themselves is the only way because no one is immortal.
biodiversity on the planet is being destroyed for commercial gain. I'm glad someone realized these people have the right to live the way they choose. hope to see other countries protect the world in the same way.
WillyLoman, it would have been awesome if the United States government would’ve done the same thing here for the native Americans but no, I had to go and run them down and move them from one reservation to another kill all the food off that just shows how the American government is, and always has been
Ravens Fan Queen 👑🏈
Ravens Fan Queen 👑🏈
This is so interesting. I applaud the government for protecting their decision not to be bothered by anyone or anything other than themselves.
Player #79640476
Player #79640476
more like protecting tourist getting killed by tribesmen.
Player #96919, Agree with respect of they wish not to be contacted, but also could be sword with two sharp sides if tribe population is small gene pool is small and that could be very dangerous in future.
It s because they kill everybody who is coming on the island 😅 So they re protecting the visitors
Player #96919, Well, if you care so much, then you should stop eating meat, because animal agriculture is the top one reason for the Amazon forest's deforestation.
Player #39095065, sure did, 2 attempts. Second time he made it over there and was killed. His mother petitioned the government to get her son’s body back for burial and she was denied. He was taken there against an order after his first attempt and the man who took him ended up being charged with a crime. I’m not certain what ended up happening to him after being charged with the criminal offense though.
The US govt should have done the same to the Hawaian islands. Instead they invaded and deposed the rightful Hawian Queen Liliʻuokalani.
God bless them. Hopefully they can continue to live their lives free from outsiders just as they wish.