In which US state is the Navajo Code Talkers' museum?
Correct answer: Arizona

My Dad was saved by a CT!!! Thanks to him I’m here today and I got to enjoy my Father for many years!!!

Bit ironic isn't it that the language and people we tried so hard to wipe out saved our butts.

Jersey Girl
Great information!

a great movie to tell of the heros

I remember this cause of the movie wind talkers. great flick.

SparkyChaz2018, I am pretty sure that Alan Turing and team were the one to break the Nazi enigma code. I think the Native American created American code the the Japanese were never able to decipher.

It is about time we remind the Native Americans, they have much to be proud of. The Nazis came out with a code none of the White code interpreters could break. One bay a Navajo saw the code and recognized that the Nazis were truly using an American language, Navajo! Ironic don't you think??? The Navajo code breakers, were a large part of Hitler being beaten, but after the war, were never even mentioned to the general public.

We've been there. It was awesome.

sorry but it's not located in tuba city it's in window rock Az

The people of the USA have not ever treated the Americans properly and we DO need to be more appreciative to them
We live on land we basically took!

It is in Window Rock, Arizona, not Tuba City

SparkyChaz2018, that figures

SaltyWillOWisp96651, I believe that falls under KARMA, and the proper thing to say is a heartfelt and hardy "THANK YOU!"

Player #49699886
One of the most valuable group of the War were the Code Talkers who helped win the War.

Clown Boss
Uninitialized, initialize initiative before, in this case, confusing a department of tourism's po box with something quite different

Player Gigi #28446253
Qatwalk, I think that your comment is 100% correct!

I've been there. It is not Tuba City, which is in northern CA, but Window Rock, AZ which also
is the capital of the Navajo Nation.

Soo cool