How many of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World were known to be destroyed by earthquakes?

Correct answer: 3

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What people think about it: 32 Comments
Player Ejag
Player Ejag
Good info on the Ancient Wonders!😋
Gem cart
Gem cart
I really consider Machu pitchu one
Player #14471136
Player #14471136
There was a Earthquake in my state where I live Utah 5 days ago on the 18th . it was pretty scary 5.7 mag and only 4 miles from where I live. over 260 after shocks now still feeling them. just wanted to share that if anybody lives in the Us and didn't know.↪☎️🚸😩🧱😥🎈
Player Raving Lu, just to the right of the Garden of Eden and the Fountain of Youth and, most of the time, my phone.
Player #47234515
Player #47234515
Player Raving Lu, we were taught in school over 60 years ago that they had existed and that they were one of the seven wonders of the world. we had to draw pictures of them. but then, Robin Hood was also real.
Fun guy
Fun guy
just because we haven't found it doesn't mean it didn't exist ...or some version of it.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
* Seshati *, Neither is Angkor Wat
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
* Seshati *, It may be a wonder but the Seven Wonders is an accepted list and it’s not on it
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player Raving Lu, What part of “The location and ultimate fate are unknown “ leads you to believe that quiz players can provide the answer ?
Wilt 100
Wilt 100
Miomyo, I'm surprised you can name those things (I believe you can) and agree with Gem cart... Machu Picchu is amazing but it was built around 1400 or later I believe. I think Oxford University is almost 500 years older... I'm near sure the list if ancient wonders was written, for the first time, in BC.. so at least 1400 years before Machu Picchu was built.
Player #4250921
Player #4250921
Player #14471136, I have been following those earthquakes. A couple of aftershocks just last week I believe. The 5.7 toppled a Utah icon, the trumpet of the angel Moroni on the Salt Lake Temple.
this makes me want to go play civilization
Player Raving Lu
Player Raving Lu
Player #15011216, Exactly where in the area which was previously called Babylon are The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The area which was previously called Babylon is a large area.
Player Raving Lu
Player Raving Lu
Player Cosmo Chic, I could not find any information or referrences to the discovery of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. I could not find any information or referrences to any reputable claims with any reliable or independently verifiable evidence for the discovery of the location of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Player Raving Lu
Player Raving Lu
Player Cosmo Chic, I could not find any information or references to the discovery of the location of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. I could not find any information or referrences to any reput
Player Raving Lu
Player Raving Lu
Player Cosmo Chic, I could not find any information or references to the discovery of location of The Hanging Garde
Player Raving Lu
Player Raving Lu
Player #19052892, The question and explanation do not state or claim only three of the seven wonders of the ancient world have been ruined or destroyed by any in manner or any non specific type of event. The question and explanation merely state and claim only three of the seven wonders of the ancient world have been ruined or destroyed by one specific type of event. The specific type of event the question and I clam ruined only three of the seven wonders of the ancient world is earthquakes.
Player #19009719
Player #19009719
Gem cart, Machu pichu is one of them, but it’s part of the modern world .
Player #19052892
Player #19052892
I believe more then 3, have been destroyed ,they may be partially still standing, however none the less ruined
Player Cosmo Chic, I could not find any proof that it was found
Player #15011216
Player #15011216
Player #15494823, just a wild guess, but maybe... BABYLON. lol
Player #18350133
Player #18350133
good information
Player Ej
the question is hoe many were destroyed by earthquakes: the mausoleum and the rhodos. the lighthouse was damaged by earthquakes but destroyed by fire
Player #6744647
Player #6744647
Even the Astrodome closed!!!
Player #9433496
Player #9433496
Player #10639782, she was DEAD she couldn't rebuild her temple
Gem cart, it's not what you do or don't consider so ... shut up !
Gem cart, I thought it was. also Stone Henge
Player #12128142
Player #12128142
That’s really cool!!
Player Ejag, caca
didn't know that
Player Lucky
Player Lucky
Player #15494823, Mesopotamia