Where is the world's longest straight stretch of railway located?
Correct answer: Australia

Player #27643412
I caught the train from Sydney to Perth it's a very straight run, with only the Kangaroos & Emu's to break up the monotony trying to keep up with the locomotive
Though it's good food and if you're lucky there may be some good company..
It's a long 3 day & night trip to get there..

Sounds like a great trip!

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That picture is going to confuse a few folk. I anticipate their comments as "how are we meant to be able to answer when the track in the picture is curved (angry face and lots of exclamation marks)".

I took the Indian Pacific during my Uni break... spent days and nights on it! Still recall stopping over a town called Cook.

Player #30408675
As a kid we would travel to Adelaide from Perth to visit family on the Indian Pacific..its so expensive these days but very much worth it simply for the adventure

wonder if they go out on strike like our lot

Love train journeys. Hope to do this one day!

Player #25874027
Player #28765876,
It is a straight line but it is not flat or level .

There is also a very long straight road that crosses the continent in the same place.

Player #2512936
Train travel is fantastic! Especially die Staedte Touren in Germany! I Just Loved them.

Player Elf Counsel
mikeg11643, It's not done non stop.

Player Elf Counsel
Player #9954407thebarber, Certainly is. Haven't been on it yet but I'd like to one day.

* Seshati *
mikeg11643, they work shifts

Player #15356356
I was wrong, but learned something else new.