What is the forcible acquisition of one state's territory by another state?
Correct answer: Annexation

- Ohb -
Like Russian deranged despot Putin annexed Crimea.

My town "politely" annexes your land then tells you have to put thousands of dollars for accessible curbs & gutters.

Sounds like China

Player #27643412
LushHesitation9, china's not the only government guilty of this, you want to check out Russia's history of this particular habit

V. Putin is doing his best to “re-annex” the Ukraine which has been thriving independently for quite a while.

no one likes to be bought traded or sold.

if allowed, I believe Russia, China and Iran will annex Europe,Asia, and the middle east. where next is anyones guess

Player #Nonna
Crimea just a few years back.

It's all starting to make sense, thanks oldhitman92611

#1 trumper, I think old Hitman needs to have his medication adjusted.