Which singer is in the picture?
Correct answer: Elvis Presley

How can anyone not recognize Elvis??

Saint Nine, on mine it shows almost everyone getting it right

Player Meyer
I love all of his music but I really like his gospel music. He sang with such feeling!

Saint Nine
I find it hard to believe that fewer than half the people answering this got it right, and that so many thought it was David Bowie or Elton John!

As a kid me and the family would go to the Drive-Ins to see the newest Elvis films. I miss the days of the Drive-In theaters!!

Player #7578502
My older sister is still a huge fan. Still has Sun records and other memorabilia, including a clock which spells out his name instead of the numbers. She used to drag me to see his movies. Never saw him live as we live in England.

Player #96919
Player #7578502, me too, I have his name tattooed on my shoulder. never again will there be another Elvis and my only regret is that I never got to see him perform live

I wonder which unfortunate souls didn't know who that was.

Player #8464312
Saint Nine, I know I couldn’t believe it. I thought everyone would have gotten it right

Player Darius
Gary, I was 7 when I saw his movie Love Me Tender and I thought he really died at the end an was unconsolable for days. always had a crush on him.

Excuse the Kuz
I thought it was Lady GaGa...

Player #35094689, Gary,in

Mars V, what is green and sings?

Nerak 7
I think the younger generation has no idea who he was . I am glad they made that movie Elvis.. so younger people could see who he was…

My mom just LOVED Elvis. I grew up watching his movies. Still love them. His gospel stuff is awesome

Mars V
What is green and sings?🤪

Giggle pig
The worlds best singer – second only to Kenny Hinson.

I am not a number.
Sean, I'd say the best ones came from Tupelo, Mississippi.

I am not a number.
Player #11430990, Elvis's middle name is spelled "Aron" on his birth certificate but he opted to spell it "Aaron". However, he never legally changed it. So both spellings are correct in their own way.

I can still remember hearing about him passing away and my sister and myself burst into tears 😭

Tina M.
quicksilver, on mine, it also shows almost everyone got it right.

He was definitely the king of rock in the era of the 50's. I wasn't born yet, but, I like his tunes an some of his movies. May he rest in peace 😇.

Lady of the Lake
Cookie Monsta, Elvis's twin brother's name was Jessie Garon.

love Elvis. Great singer and enjoyed his movies and music and he won 3 Grammys for his gospel music. greatly missed.

i liked bob Marley music

Player #31452138
I am only 9 and I am smarter thanu

Player #60298071
Saw him live in concert after he had gained so much weight. Didn't matter though, he was awesome!!!Long live the King.

Player #43091749
I thought he was Louis Armstrong!!!

siul Arreis
people chose Bob Marley😑

Player #25874027
Saint Nine,
90%+ righton my game

Player #25874027
If you look when correct answer is revealed it consists of a bar chart in green . The incorrect answers also have shading but in grey . These are the proportions of players who voted for each answer

Sonny Vistan
Great musicians, artist. American Icons,all-time favorite that's wonderful world we loved you always.

I thought his middle name is spelled Aron?

Player #35094689
Gary, in

Player #8913120
Gary, A friend of mine's older brother was in the service with Elvis and said he was just a regular guy...guess that's what makes him special.

Goodbye Moonmen
Player Meyer, Didn't Elvis start singing in a church?

Player #1NanSan
I love him. he's great. x

Player #17937252
Elvis will always be the best recording artist ever he could sing anything with such honesty and feeling there has never been anyone to touch him and he had soul

Nashville Bound
Saint Nine, that is amazing to me that, that many people could not identify Elvis Presley!

Boss girl
Not trying to be rude but bad hair