What effect does the Schengen agreement have on the citizens of Europe?
Correct answer: They can travel across most of Europe without border controls

which five??

29 countries in Europe that have abolished border controls between them. Iit's

Player #120271469
Roger Hepworth , Switzerland is in central Europe.

Republic of Taiwan
The explanation is useless. Here's the better explanation :
The 27 Schengen countries are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Currently, the Schengen Area consists of 27 member countries. All of these countries are located in Europe, from which:
23 members fully implement the Schengen acquis,
Four of them – members of the EFTA, implement Schengen acquis through specific agreements related to the Schengen agreement.
Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Lichtenstein are associate members of the Schengen Area but are not members of the EU. They are part of the EFTA and implement the Schengen acquis through specific agreements related to the Schengen agreement.
Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City have opened their borders but are not members of the visa-free zone.
The Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands are special members of the EU and part of the Schengen Zone, even though they are located outside the European continent.
Four more EU members have not joined the Schengen zone: Ireland – which still maintains opt-outs, and Romania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus – seeking to join soon.
The external borders of the Schengen Zone stretch for a distance of 50,000 km, with 80% being water and the remaining 20% being land. This area includes hundreds of airports and m

Republic of Taiwan
Roger Hepworth ,
Switzerland is also in Schengen area

Roger Hepworth
CL53, Switzerland not in EU.

quicksilver, idk for sure but from experience it has to be at least Italy, France, Belgium and the Netherlands? I’m not sure I can name a 5th country with any confidence but maybe Switzerland?

cool,so very cool bnb info!! Thanx!!