When was the first mobile phone call made?
Correct answer: 1973

Pimpao +
heavy beginning

34 years before the ubiquitous smart phone! Anyone wishing to canonize Steve Jobs should remember Isaac Newton's letter to Robert Hooke: "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."

The "brick".

Olorin, they are talking about a mobile hand held device not a mobile car phone

Player #10051217
They used to be called a brick here in Australia, because they were heavy as.

Nick Slick
the brickcall!!!

Player #27149342 pixie
Olorin, I think it's to do with the definition of how they transmitted over airwaves, yours was radio waves, mobiles use something different.

Player #9148493
Olorin, all right we lived in Texas in 1957 my dad drove for the general and the limousine had one of those phones in it

Player #13495380
Hello had a brick in 1993.

Player #7106191, no it didn't

We had mobile phones in Sweden in 1956. Of course, they were not handheld but mounted in cars but still mobile. The answer given here is wrong!