Which movie features the song "Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead"?
Correct answer: The Wizard of Oz
Player #96919
my grandchildren just love the Wizard of oz
many scary scenes for young childen,, I know,,I used to be one..lol😄
little b
I love the wizard of oz
team edward cullen
my grandpa favorite movie
Ray Mission
Shellback, ALL WE OWN WE OWE. OHHH....
Player #20136064
Shellback, the winkies are actually chanting "oh we love the old one".
Wish they hadn't cut that scene. incidentally, ya gotta love The Winkies especially the close order drill accompanied by the chant. Help me out here, what exactly are singling- all I can make out is "Oreo" - milk and cookies after their watch?
VividPotion6704, fantastic👹