What is Hershey Sidekick (in Canada) known as in the US?
Correct answer: Reese’s Fast Break

Sailor Blue
I'm from Canada and I've never heard of the Hershey Sidekick

Sailor Blue, I'm also Canadian and also have never heard of it. Maybe it's one of those things where you gotta live in Tronna or thereabouts to know of it. I've lived on the Prairies all my life.

YawningOracle52771, US here and never saw a Fastbreak!

Lady Tracinda
YawningOracle52771, either also Canadian never saw such a candy bar

Lady Tracinda, they're unknown to me as well.

Used to be a blue and orange package, now it's - orange and blue. Vital piece of info, that.

Lots of Hershey products here in Canada but I have never seen a Hershey Sidekick. Maybe as DSDA says, you got to go to someplace like Tronna (translation, Toronto) to come across one of these chocolate bars (translation, candy bars in the USA).

Mr. Milton Hershey was a very awesome person!!

Where in Canada? I've never heard of it.

Buy those all the time while at work. Awesome.