What vegetable was traditionally carved long before pumpkins?

Correct answer: Turnip

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
Bringing this tradition to America , they quickly found out about pumpkins and how much easier the are to carve.
Player #8258475
Player #8258475
swish, Player Elf Council knows nothing. Don't know what part of the Uk she lived in but up here in Scotland we have always done more than just dookin for apples. That includes going out guising (dressing up and going out looking for sweets and/or money.) which we have been doing for a long long time. I love putting up the Halloween decorations and waiting for the weans to come round all dressed up. As you say, if a house isnt 'done up' or the lights are off they wont knock on the door.☺
I'm a Scottish girl (creeping towards 50 but still a girl in my head) and I remember (definitely not in the 19th century 🤣) the unique smell of a candle flame inside a carved out turnip on cold, Halloween nights. Thanks to my wonderful Mum and Dad for all that effort, chopping a turnip is hard enough never mind carving one! Amazing how your senses can take you back to events and memories. The human body is astounding.
Player #8258475
Player #8258475
Maestro13, and we thank you for it - do you know how hard it is to carve a tumshie. Used to be there for hours😅
It pays to be obsessed with Irish stuff! :)
a turnip (neep) in Scotland is called a swede in the rest of the uk
old metal worker
old metal worker
They are very tasty also.
Miss Sue
Miss Sue
GCo, Having nothing but a potato to carve for Halloween is just sad.
Another answer to this question was potato! Be consistent please.
Player #29831256
Player #29831256
I thought it was cabbage but felt dumb when it was turnips and that was amazingly weird
I did not know that!! THANX FOR THE INFO!!