What symbolized the end of the Cold War?

Correct answer: The fall of the Berlin Wall

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What people think about it: 28 Comments
Player #2018
Player #2018
Thanks to US President Ronald Reagan and Russian Leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
I watched it live on TV. It took 4 Iron willed people to make it happen: U.S. President Ronald Reagan, Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev, Pope John Paul II and the Iron Lady herself, (then) British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. And a little help from one of my favorite Secretaries of state, James Baker.
Player #9325811
Player #9325811
Knodel1966, some like it while others don't. l have friends who live in a country with Socialism. It has its good and bad points. They love their country and wouldn't live anywhere else. They don't agree with everything. The government keeps 1/2 their income, healthcare according to them while is free for all, you are put on a waiting list and are seen according to the seriousness of your condition/issue and you can't pick your Dr/Dentist ...etc. l personally don't want someone else choosing which Dr l want to see. But again that's life... just because some people like something doesn't mean it should be shoved down the throats of everyone else.
DUFF, people who have no idea about the evils of socialism embrace this idea.
I have a piece of the Berlin wall from a school trip over there
fukkinelljon, Gorbachev was a hall of a leader. now, Putin is going to abolish everything. he is a real evil man and he knows everything to hurt us!! PRAY!!
PointyDormouse60089 The wall is intended to protect the US from getting illegally invaded. The US is a country of laws. Simply by illegally evading the proper policy of immigration, shows the level of disrespect they have for their new desired 'home land'. The old countries [ OFTEN ] are completely out of control, overrun by drug lords and terrorist-types that make living there dangerous --- Then they want to come here and do it again! And the Libs call this being "PROGRESSIVE"
fukkinelljon, they'll soon find out after what they elected for president.
But communism, has changed name for leftist-socialist, etc.. and is terribly extending thru LatinAmerica.
Well they can say it ended, but what we see from Putin is nothing other than a very cold Cold war, against most of the Free World.
RockNRollMama82, True and it's almost beyond belief that they've elected him again!
Catwoman, people can come in legally in different categories. if you have a family member already in the states so they can offer you a place to live so that you can find a job and be a productive member of society ( not depend on govt for everything) then there are those people that have been to school & have "extraordinary" talent of some kind - . Then there are those who are in danger & need protection. about 650,000 legal immigrants come in every year. all these illegals have no where to live, no way to get food or shelter no ins. so our medical ins. & medical care are already outrageous from all the illegals already here that use the ER for non emergency care & then don't pay. How about all the bleeding heart liberals take them in & care for them
Jenny, he's a hero
catbalou, i also have a piece of the wall. my dad was in WW2
My father risked his life (or at least his liberty!) smuggling Western literature into East Berlin in 1980. Those were different times!
Player #36886473
Player #36886473
Thank you President Ronald Reagan!
It is the fault of the US and UK allowing the Soviets in WW2 in the race to capture Hitler's bunker. The allied power divide Germany like a pizza.
Emille, who or what is NB?
KILLean17, there are drug lords already here "big pharma". and any dangerous act committed here have been done by the fine people here in the good ol USA. people are trying to come and work and lots trying to leave dangerous places. they are really nit trying to bother you at all.
RockNRollMama82, The IRON LADY is Margaret Thatcher 👍😁😊
The West stopped defending and let Putin carry on fighting. NB he's not a Socialist
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
fukkinelljon, I need to stress that the idea of socialism is the very best form of society that exists, the problem with it is not the people who embrace it , it is those who appoint themselves to lead. They are generally trampling over the people to get their noses in the trough
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
AS far as I am concerned, The Wall was too short and should have been Made Higher! I Loved living in Germany, I hate living in The USA! No Matter Where You live, there are positives and negatives!
Gary-Melb Aust, socialism is very good actually, but the main problem is that human mind is far from ready fot it ;)
Player Myco Orion
Player Myco Orion
like the "big bang" , its misleading statement, cause the wall did not "fall" , it was opened then tore down. likewise there is no sound in space. 🏄
Player #4914694, I unlocked a few so far. I think they are unlocked when you reach certain levels/points
Player #4213986
Player #4213986
Player #2018, Thanks to József Antal hungarian prime minister
Player #4914694
Player #4914694
fukkinelljon, hello,out there does anyone have any idea,, how to unlock more mini games,,please help..