Which of these politicians had the nickname "Ike"?

Correct answer: Dwight D. Eisenhower

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"Beware the military industrial complex." In other words, the care and feeding of war is the basis of at least our economy.
Player #4250921
Player #4250921
RushMama2112, What about Reagan? End of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union. Tearing down the Berlin Wall. Those sound like pretty decent accomplishments.
Player #4250921, arms to Nicaragua in exchange for cocaine.....not so "great" to me
Player #4250921, The Iran contra affair. Crack cocaine. AIDS. A lot of bad stuff happened also
Dingy me got confused I was looking at the picture and knew Eisenhower was a president
I remember Ike. He was president of the United States of America when I was growing up.
GoldenW8st, so sad and devastating
Tony, You are correct most of the government is crooked and self centered. The government now is absolutely untrustworthy and not for the people. I want honest Abraham Lincoln back asap please. Better yet just let JESUS come asap.
Mickey2020, wow that is messed up
Statesmen are of the past. These days, politicians are mainly crooked, like Nixon. Yes, good things are done, but, bad things are as well. Look at the assassination of JFK, in Texas. And the man who took over the presidential position was from Texas. Lyndon B Johnson. Within three weeks, the troop involvement in the Vietnam War (police action) was tripled. There were many more lost there lives than Kennedy.
no mention he was raised in Abilene, kansas
Player #15395067
Player #15395067
Th High Hi Joking Joe Hump
Player #15395067
Player #15395067
Game is really fun and I love it give me more information about it but I get some wrong my brother plays in a lot he likes it so much you want to get a level five 555 so then like fun interesting double double triple questions triple questions they’re really funny really funny really really funny really really really summer really funny some or some onWho all very nice I like it so much a whole lot give me lotta information give me a lot of information give me a lot of information give me a lot of information give me a lot of
Player #15395067
Player #15395067
Player #tnt Actually I love game and it’s really hard to get really really hard I try my best to get as much song and I can’t get it wrong blah blah blah
Player #4642972
Player #4642972
maria an Zeltser 6🍩😁
Player #11503902
Player #11503902
NCTarheel42, However, Eisenhower made Nixon his Vice President. Prior to that, I do not think most of the public knew, who Nixon was.
Player #5602826
Player #5602826
RushMama2112, yeah, it was right about after him party started going to hell. Nixon wasn't terrible either... policy-wise he was pretty open minded, but yeah... the corruption thing ruined what history books may have otherwise recorded as a decent administration.
NCTarheel42, absolutely, ditto
lily 21, me too
I remembered the nickname, it also referred to certain kind of furniture, the Ike Table.