Who published works of J. R. R. Tolkien after his death?
Correct answer: His son

Glad his son did this. L.O.T.R. is really a hard read and I am an avid reader.

What an incredible imagination Tolkien had, love his work.

Tolkien created a language, and then he thought it needed a history, so, BOOM!, he created a whole new mythology for it.

Mrs busybody
gramatt3, me too. I’m not much into fantasy fiction so really struggled with it. However I did read The Hobbit in primary school and found it quite enjoyable.

Great question about a really great aurhor!

Razzie , he was practically clairvoyant! Forecasting in his orc characters the meanness and viciousness of the MAGAts of today’s times. Where are our wizards when we need them?!?

Christopher Tolkien has done a masterful job of handling his father’s literary estate. If anyone wants a really challenging read, they should try “The Silmarillion”. Took me several attempts to get through it.

Born 21 November 2024.... genius foetus lol

I knew this because I have read all the great fantasy as well as all the great sci-fi available. Tolkien was th

I was taught classics by him, lovely man.