Which novelist is credited with popularising the name Wendy?
Correct answer: J. M. Barrie

Timeless story, portrayed in movies and plays. G.O.S.H is a real fortunate beneficiary.

I visited his birth village in Scotland and sat on the bench outside the house he grew up, a place called Kirriemuir. It was February and everything was dull but the statue of Peter in the square was shining like the 🌞

Player #3992428
Beelzebubba, The Scots did that!

Player #146489328
I thought he invented the name Wendy

little b
I've not heard of xcfffdf

Has a great last name same as my first spelt right. Cheers B

The ingenuity of the Scots in Poetry and Literature is amazing and Peter Pan is a shining example of this a classic that everyone should read and watch with their kids, must find my marbles! 😂