As of 2019, what was the hottest month in recorded history?
Correct answer: July 2019

I still meet people all the time who refuse to believe in human-caused climate change. they say there's no proof. how far do things need to go?

IntenseNanobot39494, The answer says "warmest in recorded history " not warmest ever.

Our planet naturally goes through periods of climate change (Ice Age anyone?), but the current problem is the furious RATE of climate change it is currently experiencing. Instead of happening over hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years, radical changes are happening over single lifetimes. The only thing that could possibly be responsible for the acceleration of events is human activities. We are the single common denominator. Believing otherwise is being deliberately ignorant.

Player #12116464
You have to be totally uninformed to believe that climate change is not occurring. There tremendous evidence to support climate change.

MadMarcus1812, Take a look at records for the last 250 years, then take a look at the earth's population for the same period.Now tell me human induced climate change is not serious. We are currenly rushing headlong towards extinction, due to our massive overpopulation.

Laudy Miss Claudy
ZyggyStardust, No, no, no. The Vikings named it Greenland as a real estate strategy to entice their fellow countrymen to move there.

IntenseNanobot39494, of course it has been hotter. but not with advanced life. the temperature trends can be followed for tens of thousands of years and the current heating of the atmosphere is clearly and unequivocally anomalous

Why do people think that once we arrived, the climate was all done changing forever. We should be preparing people for the changes. Fighting it may buy us a few decades, but we can not stop it.

Player #3283708, how old is the earth? How can you say that this is the hottest it has ever been. i get it that it says in recorded time. but who is to say it hasnt been hotter prior to recorded time. there is far more time of unrecorded information (ie time), than there is recorded.

Player #6852065
ZyggyStardust, it must have been very hot to melt all of the ice from the ice age

July 2023; we just set the record for hottest month (recorded) again….. Think we are doing too little too slowly. ☹️

Mars V
You could fry an egg.

That Paris record is 42.6° for every other country outside the US.

puke66754, the ones that disliked you say and think otherwhise, btw i liked your comment👍

puke66754, So very true. We are experiencing Global WARMING so much in the first part of 2022!

Willow, we need to stop influencing the natural climate change

puke66754, unfortunately it will be the point of no return.

Climate change is real, it’s warming up and the whole earth is about to be destroyed

Player #15009698
I'm not sure we have the answer. Even if we did have the answer I'm not sure we are capable of pulling correction or guiding global, effective change. Also, we are subject to (or the Earth is subject to) other calamities with dramatic and instant effects. Asteroid collision, earthquake, volcanic eruption. The Earth will correct/change. Humans are but a spec of interesting segment on the Earth's timeline, recorded or not

Player #45505475
puke66754, June 2021 it is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in Seattle Washington.

I picked July 2019 as my answer but in the facts below it kept regerin to June, am I wrong

it is winter in July!

Fun guy
the warmest in history was when the planet was covered in Molten Lava !

Player #29308126
it's actually a global warming
I think we will die

Player #22165738
Willow, this is what I say all the time climate has changed since dinosaurs were here. Yes there is climate change. we don't know if man is the ultimate cause.Why would the earth stop changing ii

where? globally? what?

Player #9679719
puke66754, until everyone burns the hell up common sense should let people know there is change on this earth.

CyndiWig1, you sounded good at the beginning about the ice melts and fires. Why did you have to bring god into it? If there is one he should fix it!!!!!!

Player Eeyore
Uninitialized, Huh????!?

Player #9952194
SirFartsALot, No, we won’t destroy the planet, but, what about the life that’s on it?

( Snail Darter), sarcasm, I hope!

Player #3138816
2gameORnot2game4mE, wake up man

Player #3138816
tanker2933, you are so right my friend

( Snail Darter)
Zero #0127, Hey, let’s ask Greta Thunberg.....she might know?

I remember one July 4th in the early 90s being by the hottest day of the year. We braved the heat and went to the Antietam Battlefield.

Player elguapo
Sonicgirl, no