In which church did Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark marry Mary Elizabeth Donaldson in May 2004?
Correct answer: Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player Cosmo Chic, Player PirateGirl, DAVE. WHEELDON, Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the term & actual definition of the word trivia. Such numerous definitions state along the same lines of... "details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value." As this is a trivia game you will happen upon these types of questions repeatedly. I suggest that if you are unsatisfied with this happening, that you cease & desist playing this great game. In other words... quit your whining & learn something for a change & if you do not like it... leave.

Player PirateGirl
what kind of question is this? Who knows!

I'm not Danish.

it sounds just lovely!