What is the name of a disease characterized by portions of the skin losing their pigment?
Correct answer: Vitiligo

Montana Lady
There is absolutely nothing to fear about vitiligo, it is areas of lighter colored skin and it's genetic, so you cannot catch it...
So the only thing "scary" are the ignorant and superficial people who think they can judge others entirely by the color of their skin.

My husband has vitaligo. We have been married for 33 years and I have never "caught" it. You CANNOT catch this from other people. Also, he is handsome as can be.

Player #96919
penawareof, people who are not aware of the facts and see someone who has it is scared? Really? try reading information on the condition, my sister has it on her hands and it shows more in the summer sun

Montana Lady, so true I grew up as a part native gangster in the 70s in Alberta Canada people of any colour are still discriminated against I personally think it's disgusting it is not okay to discriminate based on your colour or your gender or other various things but that's a whole other topic LOL

Lakiabri The Leader
Me too i have vitiligo, it’s okay!

It is also occasionally found in dogs and cats. If you search online for pictures of cats or dogs with vitiligo, you'll see they are really pretty.

knowbrains, that last speech was supposed to say youngster not gangster

i know we're still discussing skin color. we are all the same. human beings. humans. breathe air blue veins red blood right?

Marshall, it was why he wanted to become light-skinned all over. I wish he would of had at least one good, trustworthy friend to confide in. famous people get used soo brutally. it's sad.

Player Darius
Player #96919, I developed this in my 40's amd at first it looked like white freckles.

I have a mild form of it...no big deal. Also have had 7 cases of Basil Cell Cancer, all were removed, all but one using the MOHS method.

Player #96919, I have on my feet & it also shows more in the summer sun.

Marshall, it says that in the Info 😉

My dear grandmother (passed in 2019) spent her lifetime covering the patches on her face, hands & arms. I wish she was alive to see how far we've come in terms of acceptance!

Player #96919, my vitiligo is also on my hands, but only on my knuckles. dr said it us strange it hasn't spread to all the hand area.

Montana Lady, and that you can easily burn in the sun, my mum has it and has to make sure to put factor 50 otherwise she burns badly.

We just discovered that our daughter has early indications of it around the corners of her lips. It’s a situation, regardless of what comforting words people say

JustTerminator38472, Hahaha, I was wondering what a part native gangster actually was! Youngster makes a lot more sense.

Player Gigi #28446253
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Player Gigi #28446253
Montana Lady, or lack thereof. My step father lost great patches of pigment as a child when had rheumatic fever. said it was from the high fever.

I have acouple of holstein cows that have the same thing

Player #9442102
Little Saint, I have this condition also. I have fair complexion but have lighter spots on my hands and underarms. They forms interesting shapes. I call them my reverse tattoos.

Player #25874027
No he actually had it.

Player Moon Lit
Player Darius, I developed it in my forties as well. Three of my children have it.

mammy1027, A highly progressive and well intentioned physician named Benjamin Rush made great strides to give medical explanations for illnesses caught by religious bigotry. However, with no malice intended, he explained vitiglio as the healing of the "disease" of black skin.

Marshall, The ballerina, Michaela DePrince has it. Read her story, it's inspiring.

I have some sort of birth mark which looks like vitiligo and my parents tried to get it cured at first but then doctors told them that it's just a birth mark and it never spread. now my daughter has a birth mark at the same place but in blue color which looks like a bruise.

Player #2445394
Marshall, Yes - they just said above.

Didn't Michael Jackson supposedly have vitiligo?

great info!