VW Beetles can float for several minutes.
Correct answer: True

I had a 73 bug and did an experiment to see if this is true....floated across a flooded ditch in the road in front of my school and it floated.

Didn't anyone ever see the movie "Herbie the Love Bug"? or "Herbie Rides Again"? That VW floated on water.

It's interesting how different people interpret the word "float". I immediately thought of water.

Julie 'Jules' Walker
Think you should add "on water" as I immediately thought 'air' so said no.

A joke from the 1970s: Had Ted Kennedy driven a VW Beetle, he might have become president!

Player #382024Ron,

Player #382024Ron
Thats amazing fact

I agree as well. I would have said yes if the On water was added I thought it ment air as well. ... Rachel

Bridget Sullivan-Schultz
Julie 'Jules' Walker, thats interesting! It never occured to me but I can see your point!!