In cephalopods, what is a pen?
Correct answer: Hard internal bodypart
We used to find the 'shells' on the beach at the Red Sea in 1951/52
Lady of the Lake
HTH to clear some of the confusion.
The gladius (also called 'pen' in English, 'plume' in French) is a rigid internal structure that supports a cephalopod's (ex: octopus, squid, cuttlefish) body. It is similar to our backbone.
WOW..confusing to me also!
Red England
Player Mr Knowitall, l thought was cuttle fish?
Globular Martian
Lady of the Lake, Thanks for this. Got it wrong, but my direct afterthought was Cuttlefish.
I am lost by an easy way sometimes 😂
player mj88
One or two questions are hard
bella and Daniel
Very easy for me ♥️ ♥️
Shaswat Raj Singh
Indianola alkyl
Player mj88, this is so easy
Naman sharma
hard intenal body part
cant believe I got it right!