What is the day after Thanksgiving, regarded as the first day of the Christmas shopping season?
Correct answer: Black Friday

Player #4250921
I have done Black Friday before and it is just insane with all the crowds. And i can't believe that people get trampled by others trying to get a deal. There's nothing i need that badly. This is supposed to be the season of peace on earth and good will towards men.

Player #4250921
SQinfoNUTS, I once had someone tell me in the workplace not to dare wish people Merry Christmas because it might be offensive. I view Merry Christmas as just an expression of well wishes. Doesn't mean the person I am saying it too has to celebrate it or believe in Christ. I would not be offended if someone wished me Happy Hannukah.

Commercialism of Christmas is part of what unnecessarily stresses people out during the holidays. Christmas isn't about having stuff or materialism.

lily 21, I agree with you on this one. I'm just going with Merry Christmas.

SQinfoNUTS, I always say Merry Christmas. If my greeting is not returned, I am not offended.

known as Black Friday because it starts the last month for stores to finish the year financially "in the black"

Player #4250921
Gary, Christmas is a federal holiday in the USA. People are free to celebrate Christmas even if they don't believe in Christ.

Player #3906185
SMARTRTHANU, life is too short to stress your self out. Christmas is a gift for those who give love. God gives us what we need. I don't do black Friday because it doesn't allow for family time

Player #4250921
HandyMint, I believe in Christ. He is my King.

Player #5621402
HandyMint, I quite agree, it is a time for being with family and giving your time. People should stop and re - focus on what Christmas really is. I think it’s become far too commercialised and the amount of discounted shopping sprees, crowds and adverts has become obscene. As a family we make decorations and small gifts together and love the time we spend together.

They have a lot of sales out on Black Friday too!

What a disgusting photo. Sometimes I despair for humanity.

Tomorow is a black Friday according to Lasada they have so many bargains you can order Now

Player #46835611, I agree ☝️ with you on that one

Player #111529243
Player #4250921, Black Friday comes from slaves being sold.

Jonesy, Canadians celebrates Thanksgiving Day in October instead of November (U.S.). In '98 we packed up our turkey and all the fixings in our cooler and drove from Michigan to Sudbury Canada and celebrated our Thanksgiving with our Canadian friends over the weekend...Beautiful country!

HandyMint, Christmas has absolutely nothing to do with Christ. Christmas is full of pagan influence, and Jesus himself only ever asked us to remember his death, not his birth. Jesus was not born on Dec 25th.
Google it or visit JW.org for answers to many questions related to holiday celebrations and how they are steeped in pagan origin.

RainDuty DustSprings
we Romanians celebrated Black Friday very different, we had to keep food away and water for few weeks/days, as a respect to homeless people who are freezing in cold and starving to death

Top Cat
it's called black Friday because all the sales get the stores who were in the red (debt) have a chance of getting in the black (profits).

My daughter and I went to a lack Friday sale at k mart and another store a few years ago,It was not too bad but the lines were very long. At least people didn't fight over stuff and went good deals.

I call it crazy 🤪 day

Player #25874027
Player #4250921,
That’s “peace on Earth to all men of good will

What is Thanksgiving Day? another American based question. The rest of the world doesn't care about it

Adirondack Will
Black Friday is also observed as a day of mourning for American Indians.

UnopposedYogi27101, I sure hope there wasn't scenes like that this year

the photo gave it away

Player #2512936
Uninitialized, Black Friday Family Party

Player #2512936
UnopposedYogi27101, If The Store would put in an Observation Deck they could earn extra!

Player #2512936
Player #4250921, That Has a simple solution:. Stay Out of all Stores.

Those shoppers are a dead giveaway

Player #27741749
quicksilver, thank stars someone FINALLY said this!!!

GI Joe
Spending money to save money on things not needed. Brilliant!

black Friday? it sounds like a bad omen no offense.(not an American here.)

b_ _ _ _123
I know this This is in Ireland too

* Seshati *
Player #4250921, I agree with you

When I was a high school student in the 1960s, I wrote a piece for my church bulletin. It was titled, "Who Took the Christ Out of Christmas?" First time my writing was published.

Rithvik #23500766
I don't think it's good

Player #14993519.
OptimisticFrog17914, I went shopping on one Black Friday ,,never again,,but 2 of my family members and their friends Love to get all in the crowd of shoppers and they have fun,,,

stashio2020, wow!!! are you just economical or you're a lover of handmade things and gifts?
But you know that only very few can make a phone, you actually need to shop for that.

stashio2020, I agree with you. I went out shopping one time on black Friday. that was enough for me. I saw grown women fighting over items on a table. toys and empty toy boxes all over the floor. etc