What is the meaning of the word halal?
Correct answer: Food permitted by Sharia Law
Player #5497922
A very inhumane way to kill animals. Should be banned just like the cult that promotes incest and rape and mistreatment of women !
Bird Brain 007
Religion as a whole is the greatest blight on the entire human race. By extension, denying anyone the joy of bacon because of a religious rule is a complete crock!!!
Bird Brain 007, you may be right. Dietary restrictions were an ancient way of keeping harmful parasites from infecting humans; usually carried by these specific animals.
Bird Brain 007, Much harm has been inflicted upon humanity race under the guise of religion.
DAdio, sounds just like Jewish food laws
What crap! Needs to stop!
Each to their own, as long as you are not hurting anyone - and that any killing for food should be humanely done, which I believe does not always occur in producing halal meat.
Starz777397, Mohammed was heavily influenced by local Jews in the early years of his prophecy.
Mars V
I love alcohol and pigs!
Mars V, SO DO I, SO DO I
ImpertinentPony72241, Jews have their own laws, i.e. kosher. In fact, a friend of mine has two sets of dining dishes, flatware and pots and pans to abide by Jewish laws.
Globular Martian
Player #5497922, Totally agree with you. Also, many years ago in France it was reported that the animals were being slaughtered in the presence of other animals, which is apparently against their religion.
Yui Yui
So many Karens and Kens here talk about things that they don't understand and don't even try to understand. Why? Cuz they answered it wrong. LOL.
Goodbye Moonmen
Player #5497922, Agreed! Down with all religions!
I might introduce a haram certification.
There was a lot of 'means' in that explanation!