Where is the rattle of a rattlesnake located?
Correct answer: At the end of its tail

I've been stomping around the Arizona desert for 30+ years. I've encountered less than 10 rattlesnakes in all those miles. I still wear snake boots though, it's the one you don't see that'll bite you.

ChewyGazelle68623, I live in New Zealand where we have no snakes at all. Its wonderful.

There are documented cases of rattlesnakes striking defensively, without rattling first. I live in a part of the U.S. that has several species of rattlesnakes (western diamondbacks, prairie rattlesnakes, et. al.). Key is to be cautious when out and about -- slowly back away when you encounter one. These snakes are not interested in actively contacting humans (they detect vibrations and heat otherwise & prefer to retreat from anything that isn't prey).

SuburbanBackground4, no snakes in Hawaii either

I came upon a rattlesnake and he started to rattle his tail, made some noise but I got the hell away from him!!

Player Rich, King snakes are great to have around your property! Don't kill them. They play an important role!

Player NormChop
ElixSkipper, Very informative except for the slowly back away part, I'd turn tail and run!

Lottie Lilley-Coles
my brother and I use to hunt rattlesnakes to milk them for their venom. there's good money in it if you know how to handle them. I have never been bitten.

when I lived in the country in northern California, where there are rattlesnakes, if I saw one, I would ask it to not hang around my house, and it would leave. I always complimented it on its beauty, and for killing rodents, but please not too close to my house, kids and dogs

When I see them sunning in the road, I show them the way to the ditch so people don't run them over, my family and friends think I am nuts, but I like them more than rodents and Prarie Dogs

The tail is how you know a rattler is around! They are deadly!

If you know how to skin it and remove the thick dark vein running down the inside of it they fry up nice

A lady from Mexico said a place Tierra Blanca Veracruz Mexico. There cure cancer drinking Rattlesnake’s blood.

Mari, I was attacked on my porch in Oregon , (my own fault) for locking the door and not looking at where I was stepping. closed the door just in time to see a 3ft rattle snake sunning itself on my porch. I had a glass storm door , which I folded myself into between the door and it after startling it when I screamed . I had built the enclosure for my new 2 year old to play outside on the porch . which never happened again after that day. in fact I moved shortly there after.

nidrah26, what? I thought only Ireland didn't have snakes...

a few years ago we saw a baby rattler in our back patio. We had animal control take it away. my daughter was pregnant at the time. we didn't want it killed just taken away.

it located upper their tongues

The longer the rattle, the older it is.

SuburbanBackground4, Wow I didn't know you guys in New Zealand don't have snakes.

Sunne Draca
If and how much of a rattle they have can vary. As rattlesnakes age, segments on the end of the rattle wear out and break off. New segments grow when the rattlesnake sheds its skin, or molts. So young ones don’t have much of a rattle typically and is a bad sign because they also lack the capacity to control their venom release. Always good to prepare for the worst and expect the best.

Player #2331803
The Massasauga rattle snakes can be found on Point Pele Ontario.

honestly who said their rattle was a myth

They can be quite deadly I heard

CasualGames58, just wonder how many you walked past without seeing 😳

Living in Texas I've had plenty of close encounters. But it is nice when you get to skin them ! Their scales are beautiful! And who knew! They taste like chicken!

Gary, Not necessarily!

Player #96919
lily 21, horrible, scary things. the only times I've seen them up close is in a zoo. the thing is, man is building into the habitats where these reptiles live so we are almost sure to come into close contact with them. I couldn't live in a country where they are in and around my home