What is a life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection called?
Correct answer: Sepsis

Player #7952556
As far as I know sepsis occurs when bacteria, virus or a fungal infection in another part of your body enter your bloodstream. The presence of bacteria in the blood is referred to as bacteremia or septicemia.

cinderstella2, Yeah Right, My Mum went into hospital many years ago for a MINOR check up, & got Pneumonia & Septicemia then DIED ! . . . at the age of 60 ! So, I AVOID doctors & hospitals as MUCH as Possible !

apparently, I had this without my Dr. informing me. I heard it from the Nurse after I questioned why I was not discharged for a week after day surgery.?

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
A doctor ruined 41 years of my life. I’m still looking for a cure for the depression that he gave me. Yes, stay away from drug pushing doctors. 😡

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
I’ll pray for a healing for you. I hope you get this message. 😎

I had it three times in 3 years.
it left me in a wheel chair but life continues

Karen Welch, I’m very sorry for your loss.

I had pleurisy when in my mid teens, omg it was painful and had problems breathing. The GP prescribed putting blackjack on chest & back , was better in a few days , such a shame that was banned due to its name

Karen Welch, I’m so sorry for your loss.

Player #7952556, yes & it’s deadly!

AngularSecrecy5, my mother also died in hospital from septic shock resulting from a bad case of the flu in 2003. I know your pain and I am sorry you also went through this.

Karen Welch
my husband got it lost year & died from it. He was 53.

Player #2512936
AngularSecrecy5, They want Your Money! A doctor in The USA can Tell You how much Money You have in Your bank Account!

FeasibleDocument6, get a second opinion

Canadagirl, I had it from a tick bite.😷

doctors told me I have blood sepsis disease and it scares me to death....

IcyTorch10866, Thank you. I was puzzled about that also. Must be they meant heroine & infection from needles.

cinderstella2, you're wrong. Got it at home.

Player #6937390, what's herion?

Player #7871401
Player #6937390, no it doesn't

did not know this!! I am bad!!