Who is pictured below?
Correct answer: Mao Zedong

I recommend a Book titled The Wild Swans" about 3 generations of women - Grandmother, mother, daughter - living up to, including and after Mao's despotic reign of terror. Fascinating window onto a world I am so grateful to never have experienced first hand... Awful.

I'm pleased to note that the creators of this game chose NOT to give this EVIL VILLAIN very much ink, so to speak. Just a brief & to the point description of him & really more kind description than he deserves.

killed more people than malaria

may he burn in he'll

Taramaiden, I read wild swans as well. Such an important novel.

Player Myco Orion, Once again, this perpetual obsession with whether the photo is above or below... Who cares?!!

Player #25874027
Player #7106191,
I can see the economic devastation currently sweeping China

joe, I like geography and history too, the best!!

Didnt need to look at the answers, thanks to hours watching or reading about geography and history. Then again im clueless when it comes to music/art/movie questions, i hate those.