Which creature has the longest pregnancy time?
Correct answer: Elephants

Other Moms....and we thought 9 months was forever!

LuvDove, did you know that females are actually pregnant for 10 months? look it up. I swear. its true.

my favorite animal the elephant

Kinkaid37, That’s true. The full term is 40 weeks. Anything after that is termed as overdue Anything before 36 weeks is premature and 36-40 is pre term

MockingTarantula3608, its too bad HUMANS can't leave them alone!!!

my son is raising his 1st pig for 4-H this year I was surprised their gestation time is just over 3 months. We are excitedly awaiting the first babies in about a month!!

Ive had 6 babies, 3 of each that were all about 12 days overdue. This is the first I heard that males gestate longer. interesting!

Geez!! I'm SO glad that I'm human!!! I feel that nine months is enough!!!😱

robindenipo, awww I've been around pigs but from what I can understand they are very smart, not nasty like they are portrayed and very affectionate

Those poor creatures! Can you imagine carrying that weight for all that time?

Kinkaid37, Not me! Both my large boys were 2-3 weeks early! ;)

I had no clue! I said bison lol!

Olsi Banushi
usually the bigger the animal, the longer the pregnancy

MockingTarantula3608, there beautiful 🐘

finally, a question that have right answer and picture unmatched

finally, a question that have pic and answer

Biff, I thought the same,my girls was past gestation and I only have 1 son outta my clan

Kinkaid37, 40 weeks is 10 months,I gave birth 42 weeks all but one who was 40,my son,so I can't agree boys take longer although they take more from your body,it's painful to grow a boy,my girls was longer and at 42 weeks I measured 44.. so my menses have always been a normal cycle and two years pregnant I couldn't handle,9mg poor elephants,but as a human 10months seems too long to meet ur creation..I think 6 months is fair,lol.but 8m not God, I guess he had a plan for life and went with it..

Interesting that the picture is a guinea pig....but thankfully one can't choose that in the answers.

penawareof, GOD created each and every creature to be able to endure everything they will go through, throughout their entire life!

Jevo, Cats have a short gestation period, but they have 4-6 little ones each time, and they can get pregnant up to five times a year. That's why our country is overrun with them.

Kinkaid37, Not sure how you can get 10 months out of 40 weeks. While slightly over 9 months, it's still closer to 9, rather than 10, months.

Kinkaid37, 10 lunar months

Asia is creating the demand for ivory. Poachers are suppliers. If there is no demand, they don't kill the elephants. Ivory figurines don't justify the slaughter. This info WWF.

Can't believe a cat's gestation period is so quick. Oh to be a cat

Kinkaid37, yup...40 weeks is 10 months...not 9

hellgirl owens, you're better off. too much induction takes place in the western world. kids with so many allergies, issues. your body knows when it is time to deliver and when the baby is ready.

Player #111080687
Kinkaid37, that's 40 weeks or 10 lunar months.

That's cause it takes ages for the babies to come down their trunks

Kinkaid37, yep 40 weeks is 10 months

I love elephants❤️

Player #HoneyHeart, check your numbers, please

Biff, My grandma is said to have told people these things, when asked about her children: “Six children. Three girls, three boys. 2 pre-war, 2 wartime, 2 post-war. (WW2). 3 redheads, 3 not. Girls born in spring, boys born in summer. Anything else you’d like to know?”

Kinkaid37, Nobody usually KNOWS they are pregnant during that first month, and little about the pregnancy impacts a woman during the first few weeks, so maybe that’s why the ‘nine months of pregnancy’ is what people popularly talk about???

Kinkaid37, the reason for the 10 months is because when the doctor counts the number of weeks pregnant a woman is, it is counted from the first day of her last period.

penelope and the frog
nimblemoon, I first learned this fun fact when I was pregnant with my first kiddo lol

nishtha, 𝙩𝙦

Kinkaid37, Females, as opposed to?

Kinkaid37, you're absolutely right. 40 weeks

Player #68594183
Kinkaid37, Actually it’s 9 typical months but 10 lunar months (28 days).