Which of these is one of the most obvious symptoms of Parkinson's disease?
Correct answer: Tremor

Michael J. Fox has it. He was a good actor. Still is, in the few things he's in anymore.

ChewyGazelle68623, I'm also a fan of Ali & he was one of the best boxers ever - maybe THE best - However, as far as Parkinson's , he seemed fairly lucid & in control even during his later years. He had a great sense of humor right up until the last. This leads me to think much of his problem may have been due to head injuries as a result of boxing. Just speculation on my part.

a really horrific disease. my mother died from symptoms of Parkinson's. it takes away your dignity

SOOTI, I didnt know Billy did, He always put on a happy face it seems, bless his heart, the tremors are definitely related to parkinsons, my friends dad shook so bad, he couldnt hold a cup of coffee for shaking, hurts to see some one you care having to go through it! God Bless Everyone😀

toe jam
my dad has Parkinson's. 0n top of that, he had an acute stroke. lts hard seeing him suffer through this. l wish this on nobody.

little b
i dont have tremor

my poor brother Declan in Georgia has it

my son's friends Dad was such a nice man and he is now home with this ... so sad!

SOOTI, yes I know he has, can't help but wonder if he knows what's ahead of him. probably does, still doesn't make it any easier, does it?!

My mum suffered from it, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, dreadful disease.

Pitchalady, Billy Connolly has it too. Illness doesn't discriminate.

Player #20924947 lisa
my mom had it and so did both her parents

#Mauro Icardi
Rascals, i didn't know that!

UnopposedYogi27101, my dad had Parkinson's & Alzheimer's & you are correct about essential tremors

Pitchalady, Mohammed Ali died of it in 2016!! He was one of my idols!! I watch his fights on YOUTUBE!! R.I.P, my friend!!