Approximately how many Jews were killed by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust?
Correct answer: 6 million

Laudy Miss Claudy
Last*in*line, Indeed, the Nazis killed 10 million human beings. Besides Jews they killed Catholic priests, nuns, Gypsies, homosexuals, and Jehovah's Witnesses and let's not forget the disabled. Germany and the German people will be forever stained because of these Nazi atrocities.

Sometimes wars have to be fought… Only the Brit’s standing on their own in 1939 were among the few peoples who sacrificed all…

Player #9313101, Native Americans were herded like sheep to reservations mostly women and children then they were starved to death by greedy government officials.Shame on the US.

I got it right because I have read the history of it. Did you know, and you probably dont, the USA killed more Indians, then Hitler killed Jews!! You wont read that in your history book!! A college professor in history, pointed that out to me!! Shame on us!! We took what didnt belong to us, like always!! Think about it!!