Which breed of dog is this?

Correct answer: Rottweiler

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Owned 4 of these in my time, unfortunately they all had problems with their hind quarters and 3 died of throat cancer. Will never own another due to these problems. Very naughty as a puppy but a Beautiful caring, loyal dog.
Player #10826689
Player #10826689
My late husband & I had 2 rotties . got them as pups socialized them as all the books & breeders stress. They where great guard dogs selfassured. not alarmist like some dogs. We could Always trust their instincts. They where family till they died.
I am so pleased to see such wonderful and loving comments about these beautiful dogs. I wish more people could see how wonderful they are rather than simply lump them all together based on a few that were not raised properly.
Player #14362221
Player #14362221
#Andy Rodriguez, The dogs u spoke of were obviously not properly socialized, trained & possibly bred to have such characteristics. I have owned & been involved w rott rescue for 35 yrs now. That IS NOT ur normal rott & I have NEVER encountered one like this. Yes they are guard dogs, very loyal & will resort to whatever means necessary to protect their family. This is an innate characteristic of the breed. But when properly trained & socialized they r WONDERFUL family pets, big couch potatoes & w the ok of their owner eager to meet & make new friends. The 5 yr old male I currently own, as well as my last F were both easily trained not only in advanced obedience (all of my rotts have been) but also service dogs. Sorry u had such a bad experience but as the saying goes " deed not breed not" . In other words the experience u had isn't due to the breed but the lack of responsible ownership.
Carol Francis
Carol Francis
we have had the pleasure of owning 6 rotties in the last 35 years. My love for the breed keeps on growing and growing. the most well behaved dogs i have ever come across. We still visit our first dogs grave every year over 700 miles away. 3 are buried in our garden one in an orchard a few miles from us and our most recent fur baby is still with us but sadly has just been diagnosed with cancer at the age of 7. it has b
Player  kiwi
Player kiwi
FloweringDeclaration, totally agree our beautiful boy was the most loyal boy we ever had. loved the kids and very protective of them and us.
This breed is one of the most loyal and friendly dogs that you could ever wish to own. It is the owners who maltreat them and make them aggressive who are to blame. Train them well and you will be greatly rewarded.
Carol Francis
Carol Francis
We are determined our baby will not suffer and when the time comes will make sure we do everything we can to make sure her passing will be as peacefull as possible. at the moment she is loving life and we are showering her with love. our hearts are broken. We will have another Rottie but this time we will get him/her from a rescue. ❤
Player #17691939
Player #17691939
They dropped the ball on this explanation by not saying what Rottweilers actually are. Rottweilers are a cross between Mastiffs and Dobermans. They are great dogs if they are raised and trained properly. Like most dogs, a bad dog means a bad owner. I have heard from a dog breeder that I trust, if you want the BEST Rottweiler with the least chance of health or temperament problems you should get a first generation Rottweiler with a cross between between a female Mastiff and a male Doberman.
smartest kind of dog I've ever had my life
For such a loyal and gentle breed they are falsely maligned as a dangerous breed by people who are either ignorant, or have phobias about dogs!
SOS, My parents neighbors had a Rottie named Tacoma. He was a big and beautiful dog. Super friendly and loyal. My nieces would run the fence and jump in the air and Tacoma would do the same. He loved to be loved on and he would lick you until you were drenched.
Marshall, They thrive if looked after correctly
Carol Francis, my brothers dog was diagnosed with cancer at age 5. He passed over the rainbow bridge a month after my brother passed from cancer. Lucifer Hunter was a magnificent dog.
Marshall, Just about any pure breed will have trouble due to inbreeding. Always better to adopt a mixed breed from a shelter than pay for a puppy mill.
Here in Germany we call those dogs „Fightdogs“!
Purple Kitty, What a fright! Bless the dear Rotti.
what is this obsession with the breeds of dogs? there are way too many questions like this
sylvie- anne
sylvie- anne
Miss you my boy DUKE!!! SEE YOU SOMEDAY. xo 😚💗
Player #14362221, same with Doberman fogs. Love them. Had one we rescued as previous owner beat dog trying to make it mean. They failed. Our win.
Also I love the Orange color on the dog!! ❤
Marshall, I am very sorry for that!! 😔🙏
Player #66817220
Player #66817220
K SOZE, but such an adorable dog!
I pick my Rottweiler out of a litter 6 weeks old. I had her for 14 years she was the best dog you could ever ask for I'll never have another dog I The Stereotype that these dogs get from TV they are not vicious dogs they are wonderful companions
Marshall, wonderful wonderful dog.
Player #48224207
Player #48224207
Amazing dogs!
I currently have a male Rottie! He’s the best. Shares his birthday with mine which makes him even more special! Absolutely wrong and bad notions about them people have that they are aggressive. In my opinion through experience they are smart, intelligent, independent and perfectly accommodating. Since I have three bunnies I can say this that he’s super chill with them too!
Player #46306751
Player #46306751
Marshall, I had 1 for 18yrs very good dog...
A friend of mine owns 2 Rotweillers. They are big with very scary looking but actually they are very sweet. I call them the Hagrids, after Harry Potter's Hagrid.
I always thought Rottweilers were dangerous dogs but reading through all the comments I can see that it's the owner that makes the dog, the same as with children. If the owner/parent is nasty then the dog/child will be nasty too but if owner/parent is nice then dog/child will be nice.
Player #37898041
Player #37898041
in vietnam is 50kg meat
Harman Garcha Rana
Harman Garcha Rana
Proud to be Rottie mom! Just looking at a Rottie brings a smile on my face & joy in my heart
Carol Francis, how you guys have money to maintain dogs
Swamp Murders
Swamp Murders
Had this question a few times during this game.
Great dogs. One of the vet assistants I worked with bred them and we always enjoyed their company whenever she would bring them around. So cute and loving.
Awesome dogs. Have had 2 at different times. My first ever pet 🐶 Sharni ( female) . Recently lost my male Buddy 🥺 A big beautiful gentleman. Broke my heart when they died.
owned 4 rotties, best dog breed I have ever owned but socializing and obedience training is a must, beautiful dogs!!!
Had 2 rotties. best dogs I ever had.. very devoted and friendly. both gone now, miss them very much, they loved people⚘RIP
I love rotties....They are the Best