Which of these animals doesn't hear sounds?
Correct answer: Snake
Player #96919
widadsufi1234, because as it says, snakes don't have visible ears like humans but have apparatus in their heads together with vibrations that enable them to estimate how close something is
So if they hear low frequency sounds, how is this answer correct?
Badly worded question. Throw it out and give us all 1000 coins!
Player #9442102
widadsufi1234, they feel vibrations they don't hear vibrations.
JR. Gee
I'm glad we have ears lmao
I often see non animals, insects, spiders etc. and now snakes classed as animals?? They are reptiles.
Player #7106191, question was which of 4 animals do not hear sounds. answer is correct.
gaural dhuldhule
But snakes do have ear though they are not visible
Rahman Sadman Afique
Snakes doesn't hear but they can feel the vibration of moving through their skin
Player #7106191, how figure you!?
widadsufi1234, they feel vibration through the ground, ok? got it now?
Player #7106191, answer was correct as they do not hear sounds, they feel vibrations
Player #14900060CJMD
Skippy, I believe alligators and crocs are also unable to hear. they pick up vibration along the nerves outside their mouth.