In the thought experiment known as Schrodinger's cat, what is the probability that the animal will survive?

Correct answer: The Schrodinger's cat survives in half of the cases.

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
Player #12373311
Player #12373311
um no .... .hes nether alive or dead .....thank you sheldon .
a complete misunderstanding. it has nothing to do with the actual probability of the cat being dead, but that the cat is alive and dead until the box is opened.
How about cat died coz of lack of oxygen in the box🤔
Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment should not be used. I have a physics degree, we were told to ignore it as it was so misused. It was used by experts in the field to question the validity of the Copenhagen interpretation of QM, in the 1930s. Also, some people still promote the idea of hidden variables. The evidence regarding Bell's inequality has soundly refuted this. Schödinger is dead, sorry, a great Physicist, so should this thought experiment. It offers no understanding to QMmM