Which country does Japan have tense relations with?
Correct answer: China

Player #7200338, Well I'm not surprised of tense relations w China, most of the planet seems to have tense relations w China these days lol. But I totally agree w ya! It is outrageous what the Chinese ppl must endure under the CCP! Helps me appreciate our freedom as Americans, fo sho...

I really thought it was Russia because of Sakhalin

Not Sakhalin anymore but instead, Kuril Islands

Mars V
baymax, I don’t have access to majority vote for some reason.

Japan has a long history of aggression against China, "a long chain of invasions and war crimes", as it says in the description. But not only against China. Just remember Pearl Harbor.

Mori, truth to tell I cheated and did the majority vote, but I did think it might be China.... just wasn't confident that it was, ok?