Which person invented the sanitary belt for women?
Correct answer: Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner

Player #11556923
very good history, sad to say many ideas of blacks were stolen because they were not allowed to have an idea or a thought or a dream. others have profited big off their minds. smh

Player Meyer
A very creative family!

Laudy Miss Claudy
I used to use a sanitary belt too back in the day. But the best invention was Always with Wings. Am I right ladies??!!

Suzy Z
Best day in my history was when I entered menopause and no more time of the month! I celebrate it every year!

Player #2056877
Player #11556923, racial discrimination never made sense to me...whats the big deal on skin color? we are all Gods children!!

I remember having to use that starting in 1960 before the adhesive pads were available. I had no idea they weren't around for my mother, I wonder how she managed.

I've never heard of Her! Wow?! Thank her and her Family for all of the Great things that they Invented!!!

Player #96919
Laudy Miss Claudy, I too used the sanitary belt back in the day but not for long, thank god for the tampons I say!!

Mrs B
Laudy Miss Claudy, Oh how I hated those things!

Player #2056877, There is only ONE RACE - HUMAN

Moon cups are definitely the best way to go now.

ProofDervish6, I've always had modern pads but had no idea my grandma had to use a rag and rewash it as that's all there was.. I was informed as a teen how lucky I was

so so glad I'm a woman in today's day and age

Player #130998363
Just heard yesterday that Black Bird by the Beatles was a song about how blacks were treated.

ProofDervish6, Diaper material was favored but rags would do. Hence the saying, “She’s on the rags” .

Player #119567042
Thanks for that question. What an interesting family!

Discrimination is about insecurity and ignorance.

you might be telling the truth but with wings or without... we should appreciate what was invented

it is true ...Blacks are being considered as down trodden beings... has been changed but have to change more

I'm a DC native and never knew this! As a writer and scholar, I'm going to make sure to spread this history. Thanks!!!

Laudy Miss Claudy, 👍

Ceel- yes, that's what my mother gave me to use when the time came in my early teens. Long, long time ago now though.

shell, I have never heard of a sanitary belt either I am quite confused I didn't even realize it was a menstrual thing until I read the comments.

Lady Lola
Ceel, so true! That’s what my mom had to use. Really disgusting by today’s standards!

Laudy Miss Claudy, 🤣

Mrs busybody
Mairead, I didn’t know that. Is that really true?

Player #11556923, unfortunately that was the sad truth. People of color were not allowed to claim the fame they deserved. Many inventions today akin to Caucasian’s are stolen ideas .

What a great question topic, amazing hindsight in the answers, role model family !

An incredible talented family 😊

ProofDervish6, done with safety pins and a clean “cotton rag” (that you would wash) hence the horrible saying “on the rag”. That’s what my Mother had to use.

sanitary belts, ehhhh, very nice and creative on her part!

Laudy Miss Claudy, 🤣

"Racial discrimination prevented its adoption for thirty years" – that's appalling! I hope white people are finally learning to listen to people with black or brown skin. ❤️

Chris RN
LeAnne, God must have a lot of spare time on his hands…..inventing tampons AND ‘Always With Wings.’

Player #3568188
What an amazing and talented family

I’m from Monroe, NC. It’s still not welcoming to African Americans, I’m afraid.

Konga Kat (K.M.Beck), yes, it’s called toxic shock syndrome and there is a pamphlet in every box of tampons about it. If you use them, use them safely and responsibly.

Player #92843052
That’s so sad. Her idea was rejected just because of her skin colour::god given intelligence !!! Shame on them

ProofDervish6, rags/torn sheets. They wash and reused.

Misredd, Hardly surprising! Women and minorities were often robbed of their rightful place in history
due to discrimination