In folklore, who leaves a small payment when children place their baby teeth underneath their pillow?
Correct answer: Tooth fairy

Laudy Miss Claudy
When my daughter lost her first tooth I told her that the dollar that she found under her pillow was from the Tooth Fairy and that she'd get a dollor for every tooth. She then stuck her finger in her mouth and counted her remaining teeth and said, "Mommy, I can get 25 dollars if I lose all of my teeth"!!

When I was little, I put my lost tooth in a tiny box I made and received not only money, but a beautiful handwritten note from the Tooth Fairy. I treasured it for years and when I realised who had actually written it (Mum), I loved it all the more. 🧚♀️🦷❤️

My daughter was never good at cleaning her teeth. Her friends had received several visits from the tooth fairy before my daughter lost her first tooth. She was disappointed when she woke to find her tooth still under her pillow, along with this note from the tooth fairy:
'Sorry, but I cannot use this tooth as it hasn't been cleaned properly'. I can only use teeth that have been cleaned twice every day'.
It worked!

Player #14704691
In Spain we have Ratoncito Pérez. As kids we all long for his visit and the coins he leaves behind under the pillow lol.

whenever I lost a tooth as a kid the "tooth fairy" would always come and bring a couple bucks and a handwritten note saying what she did with it.
I remember I had a little table and chair and tiny toy cup so I filled the cup with some water and put a piece of cookie on the tiny table.
when I woke up the cookie was gone (with only a few crumbs) and the water was all drunk. I quickly looked under my pillow with some money and a note that said somthing like
"thank u for the yummy cookie and water, I was absolutely parched. now I can fly back to the palace."
I wish I had the notes now but I lost them when I was younger.

In French we call her the "petite souris" which means "little mouse".

swish, We are talking about The Tooth Fairy, an innocent fantasy figure, please keep it idyllic, just for once!

travelingtomato, Yes, it did work. She now cleans her teeth with toothpaste every morning and evening. She has lost a couple more teeth since I posted my original comment and she has received a reward from the tooth fairy for each one.

Player #3532789
Goshiamar, you deprive them of imagination if you kill off the tooth fairy or Santa Claus. Personally I believe that this world is hard enough without spooling it for them. We are adults too long.
Let me ask one question, what do remember best, the happy mystery of childhood, or the adults who insisted you aught to know NOW the reality of this world. I know which I remember with the happiest feelings!

I swore I saw the tooth fairy standing in my room when I was little 🧚🏽♂️

Player #25083063
allawardsnomoneyspent, we Indian also have a tooth fairy... like we hide teeth under the grass and pray that May God bless my tooth as grass grow.

Player Mahi Vini
my father told me, when I lost my first tooth that "the little mouse" will come to give me a few money... I loved the little mouse 😅 i never asked my father how she could reached my room... we had 2 cats 😆

Lucy ;)
Laudy Miss Claudy, thts so cute 😇

In some cultures it's a Tooth Mouse that has the responsibility

Daniel A.
Dwayne Johnson is the best "Tooth Fairy"...

Lucy ;), can I be your friend and I will give u a thumbs up every time I see your comments same with you?

Anyim Efraim Elekwa
wow that is so surprising the tooth fairy

Laudy Miss Claudy, flashback of memories

who wouldn't get it right I mean childhood?!

Whoever grew up on a childhood would know that 🙄

it was fun when my kids were small but now my kids and grandkids are all grown up so no more fun things like the tooth fairy anymore!

I lost my tooth and I always get 20$ from the tooth fairy

its all. pretend but. thats still a joke

I now continue the tradition with my sister

when I was a kid my dad made notes from the 'tooth fairy' and I only cought on when I turned six and I saw my dad, an army offerser trying to grip a tiny penci

When I was younger, I put a tooth under my pillow and by the morning I would have £2

pebbles and the kittens♥
easy for all adults who had been told when they were little that the tooth fairy was real.

Every time I lose a tooth, I write the Tooth Fairy a little note and sometimes give her a little treasure. In the morning, I would get a note back telling me how sweet and kind I was. I treasure these notes still, even though now I know it's my parents who wrote them. I have like, 2 teeth left and I will truly miss waking up to find joy in the little things

Sabbi do you know about this game and how much fun it is???

Sabbi, do you know t

Mimi, what you know about this game???

BlueyCookie, my name is Izzy what's your name

Both of my nephews received $100 for their first tooth and then they received $20 for each one after. If the tooth fairy had of been that good to me and my brother, I don't know what we would have done.

Player #3532789, a little girl came home from school and told her mother that the other kids had told her that her mother was actually the tooth fairy. Not wanting to out and out lie, the mother admitted that this was true. The little girl started crying and as her mother tried to console her, the little girl cried out, " I just can't believe you leave me Home Alone every night to go collect teeth!"

Player #119111318
Obviously the tooth fairy

Tooth Wizard sounds cooler. And if it was the Tooth Gnome I'd have been terrified as a kid LOL. Hate those things

Perfumella, when I was little my first tooth broke and I was so surprised, nobody saw it, but I just threw it in the dustbin, then my mom saw it and then she said that kid look, you have to put it under your pillow so then the tooth fairy will give you dollars

Here in France this is the "Little mouse" coming to the kids’ bedrooms.

Player #145579393
ع رب

كس امك

Laudy Miss Claudy, that was so cheeky!!! 😅

BATOOL❤, that's true, but I will never tell my brother that, since he is only 5! (Six in a week!)

I never did that, although I did write notes to the tooth fairy.

Rose 🌹
I dont believe in tooth fairy is it real

My parents made me tape it to the bathroom counter, since I lost a tooth once or twice. Lol
We all have our traditions, and the tooth fairy looked a lot like my Dad.