In a national study, which figure was reported as the average cost of a wedding in the United States in 2017?
Correct answer: $33,391

Spend more time & resources on getting the MARRIAGE right, rather than a lavish wedding.

An obnoxious amount! The financial strain it imposes on most families can be devastating. my daughter's wedding cost just over $10k and was beautiful and fun!

Player #15017212
catsmeow9810, I doubt this is a true average. I'm sure they "surveyed" people from all over... L.A. Anyone from middle America isn't spending near this much. not to mention the quickie weddings that cost people a hundred dollars

Player #15356356
I think its crazy to spend that much on a wedding. I would be happy just going to Vegas. i mean that is like a new car you could buy instead.

Gregor Dam
insane, spend the money on a down payment for a house, much more logical

Miss Sue
Daybonn, Why would that be considered a downside?

Our Hawaiian themed wedding, in 2002, was a simple outdoor wedding on an family estate in Dallas. With all of the groomsmen shirts, and brides made dresses, food, cake and a few plane tickets for the bridesmaids the overall cost was $6000. A friend was married a few years later on a cruise ship for $2500 for the wedding and reception and the bride and groom figured the cruise tickets as the cost of the honeymoon. The only downside would be the bride and groom running into friends and relatives while on their honeymoon.