What does M&M stand for on the little pieces of candy?
Correct answer: Mars and Murrie

Great for bribing grandkiddos!

Peanut M&M's Are My Fave

love them! PLAIN for me... u?

I ate so many plain ones as a kid I got sick of them. I still try the peanut ones once in a while though

awesome! learn something totally new!😍

Player #24784142
melts in your mouth not in your hands that's why the guys in world war II liked them, before them it was chocolate bars

Great question!

Player Gemkat
stashio2020, you must be my son using an alias! 😁

never knew but guessed right because of the Mars company! !☺

RegretfulHuman68, I love Smarties, too! They are the Canadian version.

My son works for Mars!

Player #134733667
Peanut butter M&Ms are my all time favorite.

Player #129810510
Angie, they do come in dark chocolate, but they are very hard to find. They either don't stock many or they sell out fast. Just as well, tho, 'cause they are the most addictive candy in the world!!

Cat Mom
SniperBrainiac30039, once again, there really is no comparison except maybe the size

Cat Mom
Player #29579299, they shouldn't be compared then since they are completely different candies. But there was another question a few levels back that told some of that info

Cat Mom
coffee flavor!

DocileAdvent9, peanut butter crunch M&M's, but I quit eating sweets a long time ago!😭

Me too🧐We use to put the plain or peanut M&M’s in our popcorn, jiffy or homeade in a pot! it was so good too!We didnt have microwave popcorn until the microwave came out when I was a teenager,,but now they have so many varieties of M&M’s now! Caramel is my favorite one now, and yes its good in microwave popcorn while the corn is warm and the caramel ones like the plain melt in your mouth not in the bag or the hands😜🙂

Love them even til now cos sò their beautiful colors.

thisfisfoolish777, Too bad there is no info as to where created, and who created them. Maybe in another question.

Love the peanut M&M. and the Orange M&M

I prefer to have them upside down where they're Ws and Ws.

peanut butter M&M's are great. Actually I love them all!!

Angie, they do

I eat the red ones.

DocileAdvent9, that's because the peanut M&Ms ARE the BEST ones. period.

DocileAdvent9, that's because the ARE the BEST M&Ms. period

they had a Tabasco m&m for a while it had a Mexican m&m character.

m a m crispy are the best.

I wish they came in Dark Chocolate...peanut and almond..😋

Player #51773064
Great incentives for toddlers learning how to go to the rest room🥴

I dig 'em with nuts!😋

Player #Abi_gezunt
If you follow the Forbes Billionaire list, you know the Mars Family are quite wealthy from all our M&M binges.

Play grananny
Our kitchen I'd done in an m&m motif

Player #29579299, sadly Albastar isn't wrong. British smarties aren't sold in the US, do to our company named smarties. British smarties are bigger with a thicker shell, but very similar.

MALICE, peanut butter!

Player #35800957
Player #26264402, Me too!

Player #29579299
Albastar,🤔 not even remotely a knock off of smarties:
smarties come wrapped
m&m's loose
smarties are hard candy that turns to powder
m&m's hard candy shell with chocolate center
smarties are sweet n sour candy
m&m's are chocolate candy
smarties are pastel colored
m&m's are bold colored...
I mean seriously...🙄

Graham Morris
not smarties because people keep talking about them