How many people were killed by the London Beer Flood in 1814?
Correct answer: 8
I was going to be flippant and say at least they died happy but when you think of the brewery being saved by custom and excise bailing them out I bet the poor families didnt get anything and it's wrong to be flippant when folk who work hard to grub a living died from the negligence of the rich.
Similar to the Boston molasses flood.
Player #1081396
as my friends would say "that's alcohol abuse". Frankly, the families of the dead should have gotten that money, not the brewery owners.
I’ve never heard about this before
incredible 😱.....and l do love PORTER..
luckycatfay, Hear, hear!
Miss Tramp
luckycatfay, it was is and always will be.
Player #120271469
luckycatfay, plus 5 of them were at a funeral for a 2 year old
Player #1081396, the first part of your answer is the reason for the thumbs down. I totally agree with the second part.
Fewer than the Boston molasses flood of 1915.
RedSeaDiver, or Barney Gumble his drinking associate
I bet Homer Simpson would've survived... by simply drinking it!