In 2005, who did researchers identify as the subject of the Mona Lisa painting?

Correct answer: Lisa del Giocondo

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
I saw the painting a couple of years's very small like 8 x 10!! I was surprised..
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
I read somewhere that Lisa's husband, who commissioned Leonardo to paint the portrait, didn't like the finished product so he refused to pay for it and never claimed it. He probably didn't like the angle of her smile.
I saw the Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris. Instead of trying to get up close to the painting like the horde of other tourists were doing, I sat back and enjoyed the sight of everyone fighting to get closer to the painting.
Player #96919
Player #96919
Laudy Miss Claudy, Her eyes seem to follow you everywhere
Tina M.
Tina M.
Player #109700452, that reminds me of when I saw Plymouth Rock. I always thought it was big, and then I saw how small it is and was surprised.
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
cambridge gel, Leonardo was given a pension in his old age by the King of France, and died there. loo
Iconic painting
I understand Lisa to be the first name of the sitter, but I don't know what the Mona means?
Rosie-knees, Yes; her identity has never been a mystery.
It sits behind protective glass after someone threw acid at it and damaged it. It's also had cake thrown at it and more recently soup as a demonstration against too little good food for people who need it in France
On time
On time
Saw that painting in 2019….surprised to see it that small…..and everybody fighting for a place to take a picture of it including me.