Which fictional character serves as an inspiration for the American TV series "House, M.D."?
Correct answer: Sherlock Holmes

my favorite show!

Shelby Johnson
So interesting the kinds of medical problems Dr. House solved. Shocking what kind of REAL diseases are out there.

Sally C
Didn’t know that. I loved watching House!

This was an awesome question!

Never watched the show but still got it correct.

Wannabe Vulcan,
to defend Dr House one defeat it was in the script that said he had to wait until the last 5 minutes to come up with the diagnosis hahaha 😆 😂

That is so interesting. I always thought that there was some correlation between Sherlock, Holmes and House. Method of solving was very similar. I should have known!

Wannabe Vulcan
I can honestly say I beat House to a diagnosis -- once.