Which is the one of the WWII code names for the Operation in France on June 6, 1944?
Correct answer: Overlord

Laudy Miss Claudy
My dad took part in the D-Day invasion of Normandy during WWII. He said his most. vivid memory of it was crawling in the mud and losing his wallet with all of his pictures in it. When he wrote home to my grandmother for more pictures of the family and a new wallet she wrote back and told him about the Normandy invasion that was in all of the newspapers. Until that time neither my dad nor any of the other soldiers in his unit who landed on the beaches of Normandy knew of the extent of the now famous D-Day Invasion

Player Say what!?
Laudy Miss Claudy, Great story. Many thanks to your dad, and thank you for sharing! I had never heard about all of those deceptions. Wow.

Laudy Miss Claudy, it quite often happens that lower ranking members of an operation won't have a clue about what they are involved in, for the sake of total secrecy. One wrong word could destroy an operation which has taken a huge amount of time, effort and expertise to set up.

SOOTI, Loose lips sink ships.

Player #25874027
SOOTI, I have just read in this game that the details of the British and French operations in the Somme in WW1 were leaked to the Germans weeks before by two Irishmen .The losses there were horrendous. Toxic little nasties may have disliked the government but it was the soldiers and their families who paid the price