Which Irish singer changed her name to Shuhada' Sadaqat in 2018 on converting to Islam?

Correct answer: Sinéad O'Connor

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What people think about it: 17 Comments
jingles56, Women's rights and Islam seem quite the contradiction.
Player #96919
Player #96919
Uninitialized, There's nothing wrong with being an atheist, each to their own, live and let live.
most certainly a few waves short of a storm.....
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
She’s as nutty a fruit cake I say lovingly as I love her gusto, her gumption. She’s been through a lot & is searching for her spiritual answers as a lot of us do & she has touched on a few over the years & I think that’s grand at least she’s on a journey & not just a carbon copy of belief. For me I couldn’t convert but I have known a few western woman who have & I admire their deep affiliation, that’s what matters most that & of course love, true love for ones fellow man. Ive seen enough to know that many people are not true believers - a closer inspection of many faiths & one can see their messages are interconnected if not a direct inspiration from one another. As long as one is a good person in life, living a wholesome life, for me that is the best one could ask for. The journey home can take many routes ... for the road is long with many a winding turn ... ;) lol as long as one returns home with love in their hearts at the end of it all that’s all that truly matters. 💞
She still has one of the most beautiful voices.
One cannot be a women's rights activist and a Muslim at the same time. I think she's just pointing the middle finger at her critics.
Rip 🪦
little b
little b
I've not heard of Sinead o Connor
Be wise
Be wise
Why can’t they leave their name the same.
knew her and Joe and ajohn her brothers a d Rousin was a history of 🎨 Professor in UCD our Unniverisity rip
Wolfgang, The Christian Bible says women should remain silent in the church and OBEY her husband. I guess women shouldn't be Christian as well.
the Qumran does not condone women being second-class citizens. It is male interpretation, which takes away women's rights as in Iran's punishing women for incorrect wearing of the hijab. Sinead is a very courageous woman and she should be commended.
Player #1948938
Player #1948938
herb198220, it was a picture of the pope.
Player #22282360
Player #22282360
Player #18033123, I sure don't!
rongor53, why don't you find out urslf
* Seshati *, BTW I am a female unlike the bitmoji
* Seshati *, I watched live while she ripped up the picture of the Pope