As of 2021, what position does Pakistan occupy in the world in terms of population?
Correct answer: 5th

1. China ~1,440 billions 2. India ~1,380 billions 3. USA ~ 330 millions 4. Indonesia ~ 270 millions

Republic of China
Here are the list of country's population
1 China : 1,451,687,809
2 India : 1,410,622,601
3 U.S.A. : 335,341,222
4 Indonesia : 280,062,502
5 Pakistan : 230,800,386
6 Brazil : 215,946,905
7 Nigeria : 218,100,273
8 Bangladesh : 168,393,270
9 Russia : 146,072,525
10 Mexico : 131,994,727
11 Japan : 125,629,270
Source : Worldometer