In which country does espresso originate?
Correct answer: Italy

* Seshati *
A good coffee is so delish which actually takes more than just pressing button like so many baristas do now. I used live near a little Italy many moons ago with some very proficient espresso makers fast & mesmerising with their deft abilities to not only make great coffees in multiples but how they carried 4-5 cups to a table with their hands not a tray, oh my I miss those days & those coffees I rarely find a good coffee like that anymore, it certainly was an immersive experience. Still one can dream & hope lol!

Bad Mentor from Beige Bog, the sound of surf. The melange of sound that hits you when you enter Disneyland. The rain on a tin roof. Spring peeper frog chorus.
As for the question, since I live in the Seattle area, I better get a coffee question right! 😃