In which country is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault located?

Correct answer: Norway

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
it's good to know that someone is safeguarding our food supply.
Blooply, I can't give you a diffinative answer, but a couple of decades ago it rained in Death Valley, CA, USA for the first time in a hundred years. The dessert sprang into bloom as far as the eye could see. People from all over the world came to see it. And those century-old seeds had no special packaging nor climate control. Life itself is tenacious!
George Vance
George Vance
UnderwaterAlly15205, Read some science journals. It gets warmer some places and colder in others. It's called climate change and has been occurring for about 4 billion years and will continue for 4 billion years more with or without humans.
Every Country should have store their own seeds , Political manipulation is a must in the time of crisis .
Player #7820830
Player #7820830
Kew Gardens in the UK has been storing similar items for years. Germination can be delayed for many decades due to the storage methods
Miss Sue
Miss Sue
Thank God for for far seeing people !!!