In Central European folklore, who is Krampus?
Correct answer: A Christmas demon

[bobbo16], Terrorism! On the upside I imagine central European children are extremely well-behaved.

Neither as he has nothing to do with Christmas. He comes along with Telapo/Mikulas (St Nicholas) on the 6th of December, which is a separate holiday from Christmas. Kids clean their boots and put them on the windowsill. If they were good Telapo will fill them with sweets, if they were bad Krampusz will put sticks (virgacs) in them. In Hungary the Christmas presents are provided by the Baby Jesus, not by Santa.

[bobbo16], I wonder if Krampus got his beginnings in pre-Christian times. The winter solstice used to be a time of celebration as a time when the darkness retreats and days begin to become longer.

Krampus does have a weakness. If given a piece of fruit, typically an apple or an orange, by a child, he will sit down to eat the gift, sharing it with whomever is there and engage is polite conversation. Krampus will then leave the area, harming no one. (Thanks Google!)

I never knew there was such a thing. as this

spirit Halloween store made a very creepy krampus animatronic this year!

the other answers were a bit funny 😅

I knew that from watching Grimm

thank you Supernatural! only knew this answer coz of the winchesters. 🤣🤣🤣

Arun S
Thanks to Phineas and Ferb I was as to guess this

include Czech Republic in this list of countries.

I heard that Krampus kidnap those children who are bad

Jeverly Bianca
why they called demon that's so unbelievable 😂😂.

Kiwozzie, I find that really to be fascinating that a Christmas demon would do such a thing as that!

Nicky A
so, a demon satyr? i don't find that scary😂😂

Learned this from Legacies😂