Who invented this fighting vehicle?
Correct answer: Leonardo da Vinci

ChargingEnigma1592, same here! I’ve learned a lot of very interesting things from this app!

Well, I only discovered this game and been playing for a couple of months and I'm hook! I've learned so much😀...thank you to the creators.

He was born way before his time, I read that he invented the helicopter, obviously not as it is today but the concept of flying with the blades on top . Very intelligent man

I was fortunate enough to go to 'his' traveling exhibit in September... WOW--Hands on, most displays, interactive to fully "See and Comprehend" some of his finest ideas, and they have this machine there...I confess, just looking, I thought it was a prototype of a life raft type craft.... would have taken EXTREMELY strong men to maneuver, and it certainly looked too small to contain the necessary crew. Fascinating to contemplate...I also had not known he designed coats-of-arms....genius ALL over the map....his brain must have never rested....

Bonnie ,
I watched D'Avincis Demons and he developed an underwater sub, a glider, a parachute, grenades and so on. what a fertile mind!

think I saw this on an episode of futurama

What an amazing artist he was!

Player #31783437
so have i learned so much that i didnt know i love it

Iain, Da Vinci had flashed of genius but never say down and tried to work them out. Fantasy drawings. The modern inventions owe nothing to him, because his could never work. I suspect he was a genius handicapped by something like ADHD, and so raced on to the next thing that flashed through his brain, without trying to work things out.

Carol, Da Vinci was full of incredible ideas, but totally lacking in the self-discipline to sit down and finish anything even paintings, which is why do many are unfinished. Even his greatest, largest, work 'The Last Supper' barely survived today. That is because of his stubborn insistence on trying out his completely untested whim, by painting on dry plaster, not wet as was the true way of fresco. So all we have is a faint shadow of a masterpiece. Yes, a genius but deeply flawed who wasted so much of what he could have done.

So many modern inventions come from his ideas, a man born way before his time.

I would like to know what players give a thumbs down, when a player says they love this game and learn so much!

Carol, I would have loved to have gone to that exhibit!! He’s an inspiration for the ADHD community!

And amazingly was a vegetarian

My favorite invention of his, is the 1st drum machine!!! It was meant for war, but I like to think he jammed on it, too!!

Player #24622884
I have watched da Vinci it's very educating

Player #48260737
jay w, do a screen shot/capture and then just edit pic and zoom.

great question!